It has been 136 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 7 matching: new 52
Monday, August 12, 2024
This Is Now a Thing
I mentioned that this was coming back in April, and now it's here.
Popularly known as the New 52 Booster Gold, this variant is called "Booster Gold (Futures End)" by McFarlane Toys. But neither of those names is quite accurate.
For one thing, there are actually two Booster Golds in Booster Gold: Futures End, and the one who should be considered the primary protagonist of the issue wore an Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans costume instead. It's never explained why he was wearing it. Maybe it was just so readers could to tell the two Boosters apart?
The other Booster Gold in that issue doesn't really wear this costume either. That character is wearing the Jim Lee design that first appeared on and in the New 52's Justice League International #1. (Here at, I call that the Mark XIII Booster Gold powersuit because it was the 13th costume Booster wore.) It has square goggles and a tight-fighting cowl that covered the cheeks with gold piping but left the forehead mostly exposed. As you can see, this figure's head is wearing something more similar to Booster's traditional Mark I costume.
(Since we're on the topic of McFarlane and inaccurately costumed action figures, the A.R.G.U.S. suited Booster Gold from Booster Gold: Futures End is the same character who became Waverider in Convergence. So if you want a complete collection of Future's End Booster Golds, you'll need this one and that one.)
If you're so interested, you can find links to purchase this action figure on
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Wednesday, August 10, 2022
This Day in History: Time Out
Remember that time when the powers-that-be at DC decided to scrap (almost) their entire shared universe for another, new shared universe of unfamiliar characters in familiar costumes?
Yeah, okay. That's a little vague. We *are* talking about DC here.
Specifically, I'm talking about the relaunch 12 years ago, the "New 52." If you'll recall, sales were down, and something had to be done to goose them. That something was determined to be a line-wide reboot. However, before a new universe could be launched, the pre-existing universe had to be canceled. Which is how Booster Gold #47, released on this day in 2011, became the final issue of that series.
Sadly, it's not a very good comic book.
Most of the story deals with Booster's tragic but inconsequential misadventures in the Flashpoint alternate universe with doomed Alexandra Gianopoulos — all drawn by a fill-in artist who seems to be operating under an unforgivingly tight deadline.
But the issue ends with a Dan Jurgens-drawn coda teasing that perhaps Booster had returned to the mainstream DCU in time to continue his story in the incoming New 52 Universe, where all DC characters would be wearing new costumes designed by Jim Lee.
It would be four more years before it was clarified that the New 52 Booster Gold (introduced the following month in Dan Jurgens-written Justice League International #1) and the original, post-Crisis on Infinite Earths Booster Gold were not actually the same entity at all. (All was revealed in 2015's Convergence Booster Gold.)
It's that sort of confusion that made the New 52 such a frustrating experience for longtime fans. If the creative teams don't know what the new rules are, how can the readers?
Frankly, over a decade later, I'm still irritated. The less said about Booster Gold #47, the better.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Trading on His Reputation
Cryptozoic Entertainment released their DC Comics Justice League trading card set months ago, and somehow I've failed to mention it here despite the fact that there is a Booster Gold card.
Maybe I've failed to mention it because it features Booster's New 52 costume. But the artwork by Alejandro Germánico Benit is too good to ignore. It looks great, especially when the cards are assembled into the nine-slice collages, like this one of the short-lived New 52 era Justice League International.
Booster Gold is card #61 in the base set of 63, which means you have pretty good odds of getting one if you buy a box at your Local Comic Shop or wherever fine trading cards are sold.
(I owe a thanks to, whose recent review of Batman trading cards reminded me to post this.)
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Monday, April 27, 2015
The Son He Never Had got the first look at the upcoming Convergence: Booster Gold #1. And the revelations just keep coming.
New 52 has no idea who Rip Hunter is. That seems to make it pretty clear that there are no Time Masters in the New 52 continuity. One more reason to hope it doesn't survive Convergence.
What else will we see when we get our hands on the full issue of Convergence: Booster Gold #1 this Wednesday? I'm pulling for a meeting between New 52 Skeets and post-52 Skeets. (IhopeIhopeIhope!)
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Thursday, December 4, 2014
Booster Gold Saves Multiverse in Convergence?
I support Booster Gold wherever he appears. I'm glad to see that most of you do, too.
Last week's poll question: Are you planning on buying Justice League 3000 #12? (49 votes)
Perhaps you noticed earlier this week when Entertainment Weekly broke the news that Booster Gold was getting his own Convergence crossover mini-series (penned by Dan Jurgens, as many expected). But did you see the cover?
That's right, it's Skeets! Finally, Booster's robot sidekick makes it to the New 52. Like everyone else. Skeets also gets a New 52 makeover.
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