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It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 6 matching: joe rubinstein

Monday, March 8, 2021

Booster Gold Has a Big Head

Cort Carpenter might be my favorite person to get emails from because they are usually filled with new entries from his Booster Gold sketchbook like these:

Booster Gold by Dan McDaid for Cort Carpenter
Dan McDaid

Booster Gold by Joe Rubinstein for Cort Carpenter
Joe Rubinstein

Booster Gold by Dan Jurgens for Cort Carpenter
Dan Jurgens

That last piece by Jurgens is especially large at 12-inches by 18-inches. That's a life-sized portrait!

Keep up the good work, Cort. (To see more of his pieces, visit

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Monday, January 25, 2021


If you didn't read over the weekend, you may have missed the notification that the original art for the cover of Formerly Known as the Justice League #6 (2004), featuring Booster Gold and Blue Beetle, is up for auction today at Heritage Auctions (

Unpublished original cover art by Kevin Maguire and Joe Rubenstein for Formerly Known as the Justice League #6; imaged by Heritage Auctions,

Now, if you're the sort with an attention to detail and a good memory, you might have noticed a few small differences between this unpublished art and the final printed cover which has Booster much more front and center. As much as I love the original piece, I do think that the published cover sells the gag better.

As you can see at the top of the art itself, the piece was drawn by Kevin Maguire, who is responsible for drawing more Booster Gold comics than any artist other than Dan Jurgens, and Joe Rubenstien, who is credited with inking more Booster Gold comics than any artist other than Norm Rapmund. Jurgens and Rapmund, of course, worked on most issues of Booster Gold Volume 2, in case you didn't know.

By the way, this is hardly the only time that Maguire's art would fail to make a final cover on a Booster Gold project. This was the originally solicited art for the cover of Booster Gold Volume 2 #37 (2010) that never made it to press:

© DC Comics

I'm rarely one to complain about Dan Jurgens and Jerry Ordway art, but in that instance, I do think the solicited art is more eye catching than what's actually on the cover. (Though, to be fair, I place most of that blame on the colorist's choice of unsavory yellow tints. Oh, well. To each his own.)

In any event, more Booster Gold art is always better than less, wouldn't you agree? (Thanks to J for making sure I saw this.)

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Monday, September 3, 2018

This Day in History: Don't Pull My Leg

On this day in 2003, DC Comics began publication of JLA-Z, a Who's Who-inspired excuse for a pin-up anthology of Justice League characters. Booster Gold and Blue Beetle were judged so important to the history of the JLA that they appeared in the very first issue!

(It probably didn't hurt that their codenames both begin with the second letter of the alphabet.)

© DC Comics
Art by Kevin Maguire, Joe Rubinstein, Tom McCraw.

On a related note, reports from Fan Expo Canada that Ted Kord might be rejoining the Justice League in some capacity in the near future. The sooner the better, if you ask me.

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Friday, January 27, 2017

Mayfair the Sourcebook Be with Us

The Fire and Water Podcast Network has recently added to their lineup! DC RPG: The Hero Points Podcast, by Siskoid of the famous Blog of Geekery, has already reached its fourth episode in which they covered the 1990 Justice League Sourcebook with Booster Gold on the cover.

Mayfair Games Justice League Sourcebook

That beautiful cover is by Kevin Maguire and Joe Rubinstein. But it's also worth looking at the back cover, with a pull quote attributed to our hero.

Wow, there's so many villains! Has the Justice League really fought all of them? this is too cool . . . Everybody from the Appellaxiansâ„¢ to the Injustice Leagueâ„¢ . . . Even Starro the Conquerorâ„¢ and Magna Khanâ„¢ are in here! -- Booster Goldâ„¢

While the covers are nice, most who bought this sourcebook did so for the role-playing content inside. The book even includes stats for role playing as the Capitalist Crusader!

You can find scans of those pages or listen to the podcast at Keep up the good work, guys.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Recent Booster Gold Commissions

September is here, which means we're just a few weeks away from Booster's Futures End one-shot. But if you can't wait that long for some professionally produced Booster Gold art, take a look at these recent commissions:

Ale Garza draws Booster Gold for The Blot Says Maguire/Rubinstein create Booster Gold for Alan B Hale

The image on the left, drawn by artist Ale Garza, is the latest addition to The Blot Says' Booster Gold sketchbook from The Houston Con.

The image on the right was a commission of Joe Rubinstein's inks over Kevin Maguire's pencils for Alan Aaron B. Hale. (Sorry about getting your name wrong there, Aaron! I stayed up too late this Labor Day, I guess!)

Click either image to link to a larger pic. Both of them are Boosterrific!

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