It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2 matching: jeff spokes
Monday, January 9, 2023
New Release: Human Target 10
Once again, I don't know if we'll be seeing Booster Gold in any of this week's books, but I can say for certain that he's on one.
To be specific, he's on the 1:25 retailer incentive (Cover C) of Human Target #10 by Jeff Spokse
I'm not going to pay extra for it — I already spend too much money on comic books (and eveything else!) to chase these increasingly common incentive variants, DC — but I do like it.
Meanwhile, I have other things going on this week that require extra attention, so if anyone does spot Booster Gold (in, say, Lazarus Planet Alpha or anywhere else), I'd appreciate it if you'd report it in the comments, please.
You're the best, Booster boosters!
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Monday, September 26, 2022
Coming Soon: Stay on Target
I was looking through DC's December solicitations at this weekend when I spotted the 1:25 retailer incentive variant cover by Jeff Spokes for Human Target #10 featuring the Justice League International:
That's the only revealed cover coming in December with Booster on it. And I might consider buying it... if I can't get the regular edition with stunning Greg Smallwood art showcasing G'Nort for 1/5 the price. (Sorry, DC, but I'm not made of money. Have you seen how much comic books cost these days?)
The solicitations don't make it clear if Booster is inside any of the books, but Dan Jurgens will be handling some art on the Dark Crisis follow-up, Big Bang #1, so maybe there. We'll find out when the book comes to your Local Comic Shop on December 13.
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