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It has been 135 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Showing posts 1 - 3 of 3 matching: benni beard

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Don't Stick It Up Your Nose

Via Twitter, Benni Beard called my attention to this custom Booster Gold minifig (with Legion Flight Ring!) now available from bilbobaggins7919 on

Booster Gold minifig by Bilbobaggins7919 on

It was just back in March that I spotlighted a different custom LEGO-compatible minifig.

There must be a growing demand for block versions of our hero in the wake of the LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham video game and The LEGO Batman Movie. Are you paying attention, LEGO?

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

New Release: JLU Skeets in Flash 21 has the exclusive preview of today's The Flash #21, and you don't have to look to hard to find a cameo appearance by the sidekick of the future, Skeets!

© DC Comics

This is hardly the first time we've seen Skeets' outer shell among the artifacts stored in the JLA trophy room. One version or another has been in the Watchtower since JLA Secret Files & Origins #2 in 1998. We saw a similar image in Justice League of America, volume 2, #7 in 2006.

However, this is the first time we've seen the Justice League Unlimited version of Skeets in the regular DCnU. Is this multiverse crossover a side effect of Convergence, Rebirth, or just an artist who likes the JLU look? Who cares? It's Skeets!

Thanks to Benni Beard for pointing out this easter egg!

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wrapping It Up

Today's post is going to be old news for a lot of you, but after my rant yesterday, I felt compelled to run this today.

Via Twitter, Norm Rapmund has provided a critical clue about the "BG" art Dan Jurgens teased last week:

Finishing up a cover with @thedanjurgens & its turning out awesome! Its a character with a star on his chest.. Its not Captain America. Lol -- Norm Rapmund 2017-02-12

Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund working together again is great news, but it's not unexpected. When DC released the April solicitation for Booster Gold/The Flintstones Annual #1 back in December, the solicitation included this line:

Variant cover by DAN JURGENS and NORM RAPMUND

So although neither Jurgens nor Rapmund told us why they're collaborating on a cover featuring Booster Gold, I think we can put two and two together.

Booster Gold/The Flintstones Annual #1 will go on sale on March 29 with a $4.99 cover price. The standard cover is by Mike Allred and will also feature Booster Gold, so bring $10!

Thanks to bennibeard for linking to Rapmund's tweet in the Boosterrific Forum.

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