It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 9 matching: bat mite
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
New Old Release: World's Funnest
In a delayed reaction to Bat-Mite's return to the New 52 DCnU (and as an odd counterpoint to the super-serious Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice now in theaters), today DC Comics is releasing World's Funnest, a trade paperback (TPB) collection of past stories featuring both Bat-Mite and Mr. Mxyzptlk.
The listing for this issue indicates that Booster Gold will play a "Starring" role in this trade. Honestly, it would be stretching the truth to say he even has a cameo appearance. DC's solicitations play coy with the issue's contents, but the listing for the 296-page trade identifies that it will contain portions of the following comics:
Superman and Batman: World's Funnest #1 (2000)
Batman: Mitefall #1 (1995)
Batman and Superman: World's Finest #6 (1999)
Superman/Batman #51-52 (2008)
The Brave and the Bold #200 (1983)
Detective Comics #267 (1959)
Detective Comics #482 (1979)
Superman, vol. 1, #30 (1944)
Superman, vol. 2, #11 (1987)
Superman, vol. 2, #31 (1989)
World's Finest, vol. 1, #113 (1960)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #38 (1992)
You'll note that Dan Jurgens' recent Bat-Mite series with its "Black Gold" guest star is not included. That means that Booster Gold's appearances in this trade are limited to a single panel!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not discouraging anyone from picking up this book. I've always been a fan of fun comics, and I particularly enjoy the ridiculous adventures of Silver Age Bat-Mite. I'm just advising that you go to your Local Comic Shop and pick-up this collection for the humor, not the Booster Gold.
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Wednesday, February 17, 2016
New Releases: Bat-Mite TPB
If for some reason you passed on Dan Jurgens' Bat-Mite mini-series, you missed some very entertaining Booster Gold misadventures. Fortunately for you, the collected trade hits store shelves today, so there's still time for you to enjoy the exploits of "Black Gold."
The $14.99 trade collects all six issues of the mini-series as well as the post-Convergence "Sneak Peek." Lucky you.
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015
New Release: Bat-Mite #4
Booster Gold fans rejoice! Our hero, the gilded guardian of time, and his sentient sidekick, Skeets, return to action today when they join forces with that mini munchkin of mayhem, Bat-Mite! Evildoers beware, the team of Mite and Gold are on the case!
*Ahem.* (All that bubbly sort of goes straight to your head, doesn't it?)
You'll find Bat-Mite #4 in your Local Comic Shop today. Buy it and make Skeets happy.
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Monday, August 31, 2015
New 52 Skeets Looks Like Batman
I usually save previews for Wednesdays, but I thought since we've been in a bit of a Booster Gold drought since Convergence, I'd go ahead and post a link to's preview of this week's Bat-Mite #4.
I'm sure it's not my imagination that Skeets is starting to look like a golden, robotic Batman. Though, to be fair, this is a "Batman Family" title. Loosely.
Bat-Mite #4 will be released this Wednesday.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Time for a Healthy Breakfast
Booster Gold has been keeping a low profile since Convergence. You might assume that's because he's been busy fighting crime or protecting the time stream or taking a nap. But the real reason is because he's been scoring new endorsement deals!
Wake up with Booster Puffs Cereal! An all-new breakfast alternative for people on the go in today's DCnU, Booster Puffs are filled with some number of essential vitamins and minerals. Add to milk for a wholesome start to your day. (Booster Puffs contain some artificial color and flavors. If you develop a rash or hives, stop eating Booster Puffs and call your doctor immediately.)
You can get your own box of Booster Puffs in today's issue of Bat-Mite #3. You'll find a free sample at The issue itself is now available at fine comic retailers everywhere.
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