Monday, March 25, 2024
New (Last Week) Release: Wonder Woman 7
Rasalonn writes
Hi hi. Did you see the panel in the new Wonder Woman comic? Superman and Wonder Woman go to a space mall to buy Batman a present. And the only thing they can both agree on is they refuse to buy Batman the Booster Gold autobiography! The book store even promotes Booster Gold will be there that day. Batman is missing out not getting that book!
The issue that Rasalonn is talking about is last week's Wonder Woman #7, and this is the panel:
As Rasalonn describes, the story, titled "Gifted," is (mostly) about Superman and Wonder Woman searching for the perfect birthday gift for Batman. It is written by Tom King, who also once wrote a story about Booster Gold trying to give Batman the perfect gift and failing. That story is called "The Gift." I happen to agree with Superman and Wonder Woman that it's best not to remind Batman (or anyone, for that matter) of that fiasco, and I apologize for now having done so.
No, I had not seen this, Rasalonn. Thanks for pointing it out.
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