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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 9 matching: james gunn

Monday, January 1, 2024

Year in Review 2023

Lazy bloggers all around the Internet are using the New Year as an opportunity to create clickbait lists of previous posts.

As it happens, I'm no better than they are.

So here, for your nostalgic end-of-year reading enjoyment (and my self-serving need for blogging content), I present the 5 most-read blog posts of 2023:

5. Monday, September 25: Fall Housekeeping
In which we celebrate the 1,000th and 1,001st books including a Booster Gold appearance added to the Database. As I type this, we're now up to 1,012. The more Booster Gold, the better!

4. Friday, September 8: My Favorite Pages: Suicide Squad 13
In which we review Booster Gold being awesome (and taunting both Blue Beetle and Superman with it) on Suicide Squad, Volume 1, #13, page 3.

3. Friday, August 18: Go See Blue Beetle
In which we encourage people to go see the best Booster Gold-adjacent film to hit theaters in 2023, Blue Beetle. (Curmudgeonly shut-in that I am, I did not follow my own advice until recently. I've seen it now. It's fine, certainly better than the average DC superhero movie. It would go on to make $129 million against a budget of $104 million, which also seems fine to me. But every DC movie is a failure if it makes less than a billion these days.)

2. Monday, April 3: A Hard Day's Night
In which we tease how The Flash #795 retconned the important bits of Heroes in Crisis, meaning that we can all now and forevermore ignore that HiC happened.

1. Tuesday, January 31: Giving Thanks for Hollywood 2023 Edition
In which we interrupted our regular posting schedule to share the news that James Gunn announced that one day Booster Gold might actually get one of those television shows Hollywood has been promising us for over a decade. I'm sure this time they really mean it. At least I'm pretty sure they did at the time. January 2023 was a whole year ago! Who knows what ripple effects were created behind the scenes by the ensuing months-long strikes of both the writers and actors guilds? I mean, to know what the future of entertainment holds, you'd have to be some sort of time-traveler. And that's just crazy talk.

Here's to another Boosterrific year in 2024!

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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Giving Thanks for Rabbit Holes

Last weekend, I read online rumors that a director had been hired for the previously-announced Warner Bros Booster Gold television show, and that James Gunn himself would be writing. I did not post about that here because I was waiting for some confirmation from Warner Bros.

I don't like unfounded rumors. Founded rumors are fair game, but those unfounded ones... I can't stand those.

Here it is, nearly a week later, and we still don't know if the rumors are true. But James Gunn may have addressed them when, according to, he responded to a question about the rumor on by posting:

"Don't believe the Internet." [1]

Is that in reference to the announcement of the director? Or that Gunn will be writing any episodes? Or should I not believe what Gunn is saying now because I only read that online?

Or, heck, since I only know that Warner Bros is supposed to be working on a television show because I saw the announcement WB released on the Internet, maybe I shouldn't believe that either.

Or maybe the James Gunn on X Threads isn't really James Gunn? If that quote was made by an imposter, does that mean I should believe the Internet? Come to think of it, I've only ever seen James Gunn on the Internet; how can I know he really exists at all?

"Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end?" [2]

Anyway. I think the point here is that we still don't have any concrete news about what to expect from a Booster Gold television series, so don't get too excited — or bent out of shape, whichever your proclivity may be. James Gunn will tell us when he wants to know.

Assuming he's real, that is.

[1] I'd link to the original post if I could find it, but now requires a login to see its content, and I'm not going to do that. So I'm just going to have to take Bleeding Cool's word that this happened. Does that make me part of the rumor mill? Yes, yes it does. Probably best if you just forget that I posted any of this. As a wise man once (maybe) said, don't believe the Internet. UPDATE: See the comments! It wasn't on X but Threads, which is EXTRA why I couldn't find it.

[2] This quote comes from a book. Since it was written on paper in the age before digital screens, the source can be trusted as the gospel truth. Which is how I know that all Cheshire cats can grin... and most of 'em do.

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Friday, August 18, 2023

Go See Blue Beetle

The Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle movie officially opens today. I keep seeing online that people are A) surprised that such a movie even exists, and B) predicting it to flop. Neither of those sentiments makes a bunch of sense to me because B) who doesn't obsessively pay attention to superhero movie news? and B) why would anyone cheer for any movie to flop?

Anyway, for those of us Booster boosters hoping for any sign of our favorite superhero in Blue Beetle, well, I haven't seen the movie yet myself, but I'll say that early reports are not encouraging.

And then there's this article at, an interview with director Ángel Manuel Soto:

"We always thought about this before James Gunn came in, but the fact that James Gunn loves Booster Gold and wants to do something with Booster Gold," Soto says. "We've always been setting up Ted Kord through the daughter, through the conversations and disappearance. Having that mid-credit scene is cool because we don't have to promise nor deny the possibilities of this collaboration."

"Neither promise nor deny" is never encouraging. I think this makes Soto a "Booster Tease."

So be forewarned: don't go see Blue Beetle expecting to see Ted Kord or Booster Gold. Go see it for all the Easter eggs (like the Bug!). Or go see it to send a message to Warner Bros that there's an audience for a sequel that (hopefully) pays off the very brief, very late mid end credits scene.

Or, maybe, go see it because you want to see it. That's such a crazy idea, it just might work.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

This Is Also Not News

Look, I can only take so much, and the constant social media and comic book "news" website rumors about who might or might not be playing Booster Gold in the not-yet-materialized James Gunn DCEU are about to break me. Chris Pratt? Aaron Paul? Jessie Plemons? Sure. Fine. Whatever.

Actors are the least of my problem. I'm still not even certain what I want from a Booster Gold movie, much less who I want to play him.

The first Harry Potter film proved to me that I need a movie to be notably different from the printed source material, otherwise why bother watching it? My imagination is pretty darn good, thank you very much. I don't think the published works of Jane Austen and F. Scott Fitzgerald, to name just two examples, are notably improved by their many cinema adaptations. That means I personally require the adventures of movie Booster to be different from Booster's comic book stories in some way.

But how different? I certainly don't need to see Blackguard or Black Beetle. I probably won't be too upset if Booster has a friend other than Ted Kord or a love interest other than Trixie Collins. But I suspect I will be disappointed not to see Skeets, very preferably as a gravity-defying golden football. Would a David "Booster" Gold who solves comedic supernatural mysteries while wearing a yellow raincoat be remotely satisfying? Definitely not.

That there are so many people talking about who they want in a Booster Gold movie certainly suggests that there's great interest. And I think it'd be great for even more people to discover the Greatest Hero They've Never Heard Of. But I just don't get a lot of entertainment value from random speculation about who or what we might be getting, especially when I'm so uncertain about what I might want.

So if you're wondering why I don't comment more on each latest Casting Rumor Of The Day, that's why.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

This Is Not News

My mailbox is full with "news" sites reporting that in an exclusive interview with, Chris Pratt has broken his silence on whether or not he'll play Booster Gold!

"As far as DC characters pan, I don't know. I will let the fans tell me what they would want me to do. I don't have anything official to announce. I haven't spoken to James Gunn in any capacity to where he's offered me anything like that."

So there you have it. If you want Chris Pratt to play Booster Gold, tell him. If you don't, tell him. Apparently, he's listening.

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There have been 2894 blog entries since January 2010.





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