It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2024
My Precious! O My Precious!
Since I was speaking of the Blot and McFarlane Toys on Monday, I might as well repost this:
I can't even begin to imagine what I would do with a box full of Booster Gold, but I'm happy you're happy, Blot.
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Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Giving Thanks for Rabbit Holes
Last weekend, I read online rumors that a director had been hired for the previously-announced Warner Bros Booster Gold television show, and that James Gunn himself would be writing. I did not post about that here because I was waiting for some confirmation from Warner Bros.
I don't like unfounded rumors. Founded rumors are fair game, but those unfounded ones... I can't stand those.
Here it is, nearly a week later, and we still don't know if the rumors are true. But James Gunn may have addressed them when, according to, he responded to a question about the rumor on by posting:
"Don't believe the Internet." [1]
Is that in reference to the announcement of the director? Or that Gunn will be writing any episodes? Or should I not believe what Gunn is saying now because I only read that online?
Or, heck, since I only know that Warner Bros is supposed to be working on a television show because I saw the announcement WB released on the Internet, maybe I shouldn't believe that either.
Or maybe the James Gunn on X Threads isn't really James Gunn? If that quote was made by an imposter, does that mean I should believe the Internet? Come to think of it, I've only ever seen James Gunn on the Internet; how can I know he really exists at all?
"Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end?" [2]
Anyway. I think the point here is that we still don't have any concrete news about what to expect from a Booster Gold television series, so don't get too excited — or bent out of shape, whichever your proclivity may be. James Gunn will tell us when he wants to know.
Assuming he's real, that is.
[1] I'd link to the original post if I could find it, but now requires a login to see its content, and I'm not going to do that. So I'm just going to have to take Bleeding Cool's word that this happened. Does that make me part of the rumor mill? Yes, yes it does. Probably best if you just forget that I posted any of this. As a wise man once (maybe) said, don't believe the Internet. UPDATE: See the comments! It wasn't on X but Threads, which is EXTRA why I couldn't find it.
[2] This quote comes from a book. Since it was written on paper in the age before digital screens, the source can be trusted as the gospel truth. Which is how I know that all Cheshire cats can grin... and most of 'em do.
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