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Monday, April 15, 2019

More of Less

Late last week, released DC's solicitations for comics shipping in July. Sadly, there isn't any evidence that we'll be seeing much if any Booster Gold this summer.

Maybe that's for the best. I have no interest in DC's Marvel Zombies DCeased summer event series. If our hero shows up there, I'm trusting that some reliable Booster booster will let me know.

Meanwhile, I remind everyone that the Fire and Water Podcast Network continues its JLI Podcast series. This weekend, they covered Justice League International #25, which could just as easily be called "Blue and Gold meet Dracula." We looked at the color guide to that issue just a few months ago.

You'll find links to listen to the JLI Podcast (and others) at

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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Mystery Machine Goes International

The JLI Podcast (still going strong, having just recently covered Justice League International #11) recently retweeted this fantastic mash-up:

Scooby-Doo JLI by Jarrod Alberich

The artist behind this is no mystery. Credit to Jarrod Alberich, aka @yardsaleartist on

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Monday, February 6, 2017

Happy 30th Anniversary, JLI

If you think about it, we owe the longevity of our hero to the success of 1987's Justice League reboot which launched 30 years ago yesterday.

Although Dan Jurgens created a unique and endearing character in Michael "Booster" Carter, it was the character's inclusion in J.M. DeMatteis and Keith Giffen's reboot of DC's flagship team (and specifically his relationship with Blue Beetle) that cemented Booster Gold's place in the DCU. Without the JLI, Booster Gold probably would have faded to the same sort of neverland as other lesser known DC characters like Geo-Force or Blue Devil.

In celebration of the anniversary, the Irredeemable Shag interviewed DeMatteis for a very special edition of the Justice League International: Bwah-Ha-Ha Podcast. The writer admitted that Booster Gold held a unique place in the series.

Shag: Favorite JLI members. Give me like two or three.

DeMatteis: Well, Beetle and Booster for sure. Because in so many ways, they're the heart and soul of the book. ... I love the banter, and I love that we continued to play with them.

We love it too!

You can find the whole podcast interview, which covers the JLI from their inception, through their name changes, and into the year 3000, at

Something tells me we'll still be celebrating the JLI when it's 60th anniversary rolls around. In every medium, great entertainment endures.

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Friday, January 27, 2017

Mayfair the Sourcebook Be with Us

The Fire and Water Podcast Network has recently added to their lineup! DC RPG: The Hero Points Podcast, by Siskoid of the famous Blog of Geekery, has already reached its fourth episode in which they covered the 1990 Justice League Sourcebook with Booster Gold on the cover.

Mayfair Games Justice League Sourcebook

That beautiful cover is by Kevin Maguire and Joe Rubinstein. But it's also worth looking at the back cover, with a pull quote attributed to our hero.

Wow, there's so many villains! Has the Justice League really fought all of them? this is too cool . . . Everybody from the Appellaxiansâ„¢ to the Injustice Leagueâ„¢ . . . Even Starro the Conquerorâ„¢ and Magna Khanâ„¢ are in here! -- Booster Goldâ„¢

While the covers are nice, most who bought this sourcebook did so for the role-playing content inside. The book even includes stats for role playing as the Capitalist Crusader!

You can find scans of those pages or listen to the podcast at Keep up the good work, guys.

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Monday, August 15, 2016

Germ Warfare

The latest installment of The Justice League International: Bwah-Ha-Ha Podcast covers Booster Gold's first adventure as a member of the JLI as seen in Justice League Annual #1. This issue notably includes Booster Gold getting to know his new teammate, Black Canary.

© DC Comics

You can find the podcast at

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