It has been 136 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 6 matching: danny miki
Monday, November 7, 2022
New Releases: Dark Crisis 6 and More!
When you visit your Local Comic Shop this week, you'll see a lot of Booster Gold!
Not only is Booster inside Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 (as visible in the preview at, he's also on the cover:
As is increasingly the case at DC, there are several covers to this issue. Officially, that one is being called the "Cvr A Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sanchez" Cover. You may have seen it recently in the DC house ad promoting this month's Dark Crisis tie-in issues.
Speaking of multiple covers, Booster is also appearing on several covers of Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1:
Officially the "Cvr A Dan Jurgens & Brett Breeding Gatefold Cover"
Officially the "Cvr C Ivan Reis & Danny Miki Funeral for a Friend Variant"
You may have seen the wraparound cover in recent DC Nation columns promoting this month's "90's Rewind" tie-in issues. It's so nice, it's also being reused on the Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 "Cvr F Memorial Dan Jurgens & Brett Breeding Bleeding Bag Premium Polybag Variant"!
How many of these comics are you going to buy to make Skeets happy?
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Monday, October 3, 2022
New Release: Dark Crisis 5 has a preview of this week's Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #5. Booster Gold's not in that preview, but it doesn't really matter because he (and Skeets) is one of the many covers:
Is it just me, or does it look like Blue Beetle is wearing a 10-gallon hat?
For the record, when you go to your Local Comic Shop, you'll want to ask for the "Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 Cover B Ivan Reis & Danny Miki card stock variant."
Buy this issue and make Skeets happy.
UPDATE 2022-10-04: Yep. He's in there.
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Monday, August 1, 2022
Coming Soon: Superman Dies. Again.
While Booster boosters were occupied with last week's announcement and pre-sale of the McFarlane Toys Blue and Gold action figure 2-Pack, DC Comics tried to sneak another announcement past us:
That's the "Gatefold Main Cover" by Dan Jurgens and Brett Breeding of The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1, coming to a Local Comic Shop near you on November 8. And, as you can see, Booster Gold is on it.
According to the press release at, Jurgens and Breeding are just part of the all-star cast of writers and artists from the original "Death of Superman" reuniting for this special. The issue also brings back Roger Stern and Butch Guice, Louise Simonson and Jon Bogdanove, and Jerry Ordway and Tom Grummett. Yes, please.
This is obviously a big deal for DC, so obviously there are multiple covers. Nine, in fact, if you count the "Premium Polybag Variant." What you see above is the main cover. That means it'll be the cover you'll find if when you open the polybag to get your updated armband.
(Personal side note: for many, many years, I've worn a black leather jacket modeled after the Tom Grummet cover of The Adventures of Superman #501 with a Superman #75 black arm band. That armband is not a particularly durable fabric [2015 pictures here], and I look forward to replacing it.)
Anyway, while not every cover has been revealed yet, DC's announcement does include the "Funeral for a Friend" variant cover by Ivan Reis and Danny Miki. Like the Dan Jurgens variant for Justice League #75 a few months back that homaged "Funeral for a Friend," this cover also pays tribute to the Superman #75 poster, also with Booster Gold:
(Yes, that *is* Blue Beetle behind Booster on that cover. I'm sure I don't need to remind you that Beetle was not present for Superman's funeral because Doomsday put him in a coma. But if I'm going to nitpick, I probably should say something about Martian Manhunter/Bloodwynd. And let's just not go there.)
So if you're counting, that's at least *two* copies of The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 you're going to need to keep your Booster Gold comic collection complete.
I'll let you know if that number goes up.
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Monday, July 25, 2022
What We Learned at Comic Con 2022
At the San Diego Comic-Con 2022 DC Dark Crisis panel last Thursday, Dark Crisis writer Joshua Williamson announced that the mini-series is being retitled starting with issue #4. That new title is Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths.
"We've kept the real name a secret from the start because we didn't want to give away what was happening in the middle of the story, with the return of the Infinite Earths," says writer Joshua Williamson.
Despite my expectations, I'm enjoying Dark Crisis, but I have to feel that I've been reading comic books too long when my first thought is "this renaming reveal is exactly what DC did halfway through Countdown to Final Crisis" and my second thought is "doesn't Williamson realize that he brought back the infinite earths last year in Infinite Frontier?"
Apparently, we get an infinite number of infinite earths now. Continuity? Pfft.
But let's not get distracted by details. The important new news is that Booster Gold (and Skeets!) will be on the cover to Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #5, available October 4!
The blew up Titans Tower on the cover of issue #2 (mere months after it was blown up and rebuilt in the pages of Teen Titans Academy), and it looks like the Hall of Justice get similar treatment for issue #5. What's next? Wayne Tower? The Flash Museum? It must be hard to get building insurance if you own a signature piece of property on any earth in the DCU. (It makes more and more sense to have your headquarters in an out-of-the-way place like a cave in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island.)
According to, the issue is going to have at least 5 covers, including 1:25 by Ariel Colon, 1:50 by Mikel Janin, and 1:100 foil by Daniel Sampere and Alejandro Sanchez (which I suspect will be identical to the default Cover A but shiny!).
From what I've seen so far, it looks like Booster (and Skeets!) will only be on the Ivan Reis and Danny Miki standard variant (Cover B) pictured above. Be sure to tell your Local Comic Shop that's the one you want so they can order it for you!
A somewhat harder to collect Booster Gold cover will be the 1:25 variant of Human Target #8, due on October 25:
That one can't be direct ordered, so the only way to guarantee you get one is to pay your LCS to also order you 25 copies of the regular cover. Cover price $4.99 times 26 copies equals $129.74 before tax. That's an expensive comic! Maybe your LCS will cut you a deal for buying in volume?
You can see all of DC's October solicitations at
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Friday, October 1, 2021
A Grab Bag of News
Two pieces of news today that are probably each worthy of their own post. But since they both came from the ghost of Newsarama at, I'm combining them into this one post.
Thing 1: "Booster Gold: Inside the social media superhero who was 35 years ahead of his time" by Vaneta Rogers is a retrospective of what Booster Gold has meant to the writers who have crafted his adventures.
Rogers' oral history includes interviews with Dan Jurgens, Keith Giffen, J.M. Dematteis, and Jeff Katz, all ow whom clearly have a great deal of respect for the character they helped craft.
In fact, Giffen said that, when he and co-writer J.M. DeMatteis were told by editor Andy Helfer they had to use Booster Gold in their new Justice League run in 1987, it was this 'things-never-go-right' element that defined Booster.
"I'll be honest: I had no idea what to do with the character when we first had him," Giffen said. "Booster really didn't gel in my mind until he had the first 'bwa-ha-ha' moment and Beetle was laughing at him. I knew then that this character is going to know life's frustrations and is going to get knocked down a lot, but is always going to get back up again."
That's just a taste of the insight the piece provides into what has made Booster Gold so durable for the past three-plus decades. Good work, Vaneta.
Thing 2: "New DC Human Target is a 12-issue 'whodunit'" by Micheal Doran is essentially a sales piece to encourage fans to buy the upcoming Human Target series featuring the Justice League International.
The report lays out the basic premise of the series and quotes writer Tom King telling us how this is going to be just like every other prestige mini-series he's written for DC in the past half decade. But the important part for Booster boosters is the news about the variant covers.
The [Trevor] Hairsine and [Danny] Miki #1 and #2 variants connect to form the cover of a 'Whodunit' board game. The back cover features a pin-up calendar, "leaning into the mid-century feel of the comic," says DC.
When placed side by side, those variant covers will look like this:
Mid-century? No. Boosterrific? Very.
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