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Friday, September 27, 2024

Did Anyone Actually Read Convergence?

Earlier this month, DC made several creators of the DC All In Special available to reporters. You can find snippets of the conversations at several websites, but I think these two posted this week at are particularly interesting.

First, from the article "DC’s All In Publishing Initiative and Darkseid’s Evolution with Scott Snyder and Wes Craig: The Comic Source":

Reporters: Booster Gold is elevated to a new height in this issue as the person bridging 2 universes. Why is he the right person to connect these two storylines and will that remain his role in the future?

Scott Snyder: I was talking to Josh [Williamson] and we wanted somebody who hasn't been a huge part of the Justice League, but who would have a different perspective on it and be so excited to be welcomed in. So, we thought of a lot of different characters you wouldn't expect to be on there, from Ambush Bug to whoever. Then it was, you know what, Booster has this really powerful view of it because having been, not only a time traveler, but specifically being familiar with this kind of resplendent Superman inflected future of Legion, it feels like he would understand this moment in the trajectory of the DCU narrative, and he would see its importance. And so if he was kind of both the comical character who you're like. How could he be invited and then you start to get a sense of what it means to him to be here at this moment because he knows it goes a certain way and then suddenly when that moment doesn't go that way, he understands the gravity of why and how badly things can go because of that. So he felt like just the right kind of figure to bring both those things and we were really happy when Dan Jurgens liked the idea when we saw him.

We were on the Superman set in Atlanta and he was there. It was me and Josh and him and that's where we told him about it. When we got to visit the James Gunn Superman set and we're like, what if he hates it and we have to change it? But he liked it.

For the record, that meeting of Superman writers on the set of the Superman movie in Atlanta was back in May. So it would seem this has been in the works for a while.

And second, from the article "DC’s All In Publishing Initiative and Darkseid’s Evolution with Joshua Williamson and Daniel Sampere: The Comic Source":

Reporters: What went into the redesign of Booster Gold and his popped collar?

Josh Williamson: That's not a redesign. I'm not sure how much I can explain about this without getting to in the weeds with spoilers for the future. So, in the beginning he's wearing the last costume he wore. He is the costume from Blue and Gold that Dan Jurgens design with Ryan Sook. That's the costume he's wearing in at the beginning, and then we originally pointed it out [in the story], but we cut the line because we thought it was a little weird for Booster in the middle of this very bad situation, to say, wait a minute, why am I back in my original costume, minus the cape? Which is funny cause Dan Jurgens and I had this whole talk about this, because it was originally because Booster really idolized Superman. So when he would show up really early on, he would sometimes wear the cape. And I was thinking about that, but Danny had already drawn that page and I was thinking, he should have a cape. And then Dan Jurgens was the one that said Booster only wears the cape during press conferences, and I said perfect, good. OK, don't worry about it. We don't have to worry about this, but he's wearing his original first appearance costume in in the last scene, and there's a reason for that. That is a spoiler for future stuff. Let's just say something happened to Booster that made him revert back to his original stuff, so I can't go beyond that without giving out spoilers for much further down the line.

"Revert back to his original stuff"? Hmm. Sounds like something a Time Master would need to investigate.

Those two articles contain even more All in Booster Gold info than I reposted here, so you might want to go read them before you get your hands on DC All In Special #1 next week.

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Monday, July 25, 2022

What We Learned at Comic Con 2022

At the San Diego Comic-Con 2022 DC Dark Crisis panel last Thursday, Dark Crisis writer Joshua Williamson announced that the mini-series is being retitled starting with issue #4. That new title is Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths.


"We've kept the real name a secret from the start because we didn't want to give away what was happening in the middle of the story, with the return of the Infinite Earths," says writer Joshua Williamson.

Despite my expectations, I'm enjoying Dark Crisis, but I have to feel that I've been reading comic books too long when my first thought is "this renaming reveal is exactly what DC did halfway through Countdown to Final Crisis" and my second thought is "doesn't Williamson realize that he brought back the infinite earths last year in Infinite Frontier?"

Apparently, we get an infinite number of infinite earths now. Continuity? Pfft.

But let's not get distracted by details. The important new news is that Booster Gold (and Skeets!) will be on the cover to Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #5, available October 4!

© DC Comics

The blew up Titans Tower on the cover of issue #2 (mere months after it was blown up and rebuilt in the pages of Teen Titans Academy), and it looks like the Hall of Justice get similar treatment for issue #5. What's next? Wayne Tower? The Flash Museum? It must be hard to get building insurance if you own a signature piece of property on any earth in the DCU. (It makes more and more sense to have your headquarters in an out-of-the-way place like a cave in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island.)

According to, the issue is going to have at least 5 covers, including 1:25 by Ariel Colon, 1:50 by Mikel Janin, and 1:100 foil by Daniel Sampere and Alejandro Sanchez (which I suspect will be identical to the default Cover A but shiny!).

From what I've seen so far, it looks like Booster (and Skeets!) will only be on the Ivan Reis and Danny Miki standard variant (Cover B) pictured above. Be sure to tell your Local Comic Shop that's the one you want so they can order it for you!

A somewhat harder to collect Booster Gold cover will be the 1:25 variant of Human Target #8, due on October 25:

© DC Comics

That one can't be direct ordered, so the only way to guarantee you get one is to pay your LCS to also order you 25 copies of the regular cover. Cover price $4.99 times 26 copies equals $129.74 before tax. That's an expensive comic! Maybe your LCS will cut you a deal for buying in volume?

You can see all of DC's October solicitations at

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Monday, May 16, 2022

Booster Gold and Blue Beetle Are Cool

With the death of the Justice League, Dark Crisis is finally upon us, and over at, D.R. Bickham has interviewed Dark Crisis's chief architect Joshua Williamson about what the DC Universe should expect in the months to come.

But all we really care about here at is how Dark Crisis will affect Booster Gold. Thankfully, Williamson had answers for that as well:

CBR: Who is your favorite member of the "Not Really" Justice League introduced in Dark Crisis #1?

Williamson: The "Not Really" Justice League? That's pretty funny. I really like Dr. Light and Frankenstein. Obviously, I like Damian Wayne a lot because of my history with that character, and I like getting to write him in this context. Booster Gold and Blue Beetle are cool. I like all these characters, and that's a part of why they're here.

CBR: What kind of role will this unofficial Justice League play in Dark Crisis?

Williamson: Every character you see in Dark Crisis #1 plays an important role throughout the series. There are no throw-away characters. Dr. Light has some especially big moments. It is called Dark Crisis, after all.

CBR: I assume this means we can expect a big Booster Gold / Blue Beetle moment at some point in Dark Crisis as well?

Williamson: Yes, of course. I love Blue and Gold, and I'm happy that they are both a part of Dark Crisis. They have a couple of great moments, especially later in the series.

Hey, we could all do worse than "a couple of great moments." I look forward to them.

Thanks to Booster booster Rob Snow for making sure we saw this.

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