Justice League Spectacular
Volume 1, Issue 1, Mar/Apr 1992
Released February 25, 1992
Cover Price: $1.50
Guide Price: $3.00 (as of 2003)
Writers: Gerard Jones, Dan Jurgens
Pencillers: Dan Jurgens, Ron Randall
Inkers: Rick Burchett, Randy Elliott
Colorist: Gene D'Angelo
Letterer: Bob Pinaha
Editor: Brian Augustyn
Cover Artists: Dan Jurgens, Ron Randall
Heroes: Aquaman, Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold, Crimson Fox, Doctor Light IV, Elongated Man, Fire, Flash III, Green Lantern II, Green Lantern IV, Ice, Metamorpho, Power Girl, Superman
Villain: Royal Flush Gang
Settings: Funny Stuff Park, DCU, USA, 20th-century; Happy Harbor, DCU, USA, 20th-century
Cover Description: This issue has two covers, each with one-half of the new Justice League line-up racing from the entrance to the Justice League's Secret Sanctuary Headquarters. One includes (from top to bottom) Guy Gardner, Superman, Fire, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle II, and Ice. The other shows Aquaman, Crimson Fox, Dr. Light IV, Elongated Man, Flash III, Green Lantern II, and Power Girl.
Brief Synopsis: The Justice League is reborn (again).
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit
Issue Notes: This issue debuts a new editorial direction for the Justice League, toning down the humor in favor of more traditional super heroic action. Since Dan Jurgens is taking over writing and art on the title, there is little doubt that Booster Gold will return to the line-up.
The lenticular pin pictured above was provided by DC Comics to direct market distributors to promote the new direction of Dan Jurgens' Justice League run. (Pin images graciously provided by Once Upon a Geek.com.) The art used for the pin, including Booster Gold in the upper left corner, is by Dan Jurgens and was published in the February 1991 issue of DC's Direct Currents newsletter (issue #49).
This story has been reprinted in:
Superman and the Justice League of America (2016)
Page 6, panel 2
Arriving at the Secret Sanctuary in search of Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold questions the Justice League founders' decision to use a cave as their headquarters. The Secret Sanctuary in Justice Mountain outside Happy Harbor, Rhode Island was the original home of the Justice League. It debuted alongside the League in The Brave and the Bold #28 and was used exclusively as the team headquarters until the Joker learned of its location. The mountain has since had a major security upgrade, including force fields and alarms.
Page 9, panel 1
Fire and Ice walk in on a fist-fight between Booster and Beetle. Beetle, morose due to the dissolution of the Justice League following the recent events of the 15 part "Breakdowns" storyline running through issues of both Justice League America and Justice League Europe, taunted Booster, accusing him of relishing the dissolution of the League.
Page 15, panel 4
FIRST APPEARANCE: First appearance (in silhouette) of the Weapons Master.
Page 16, panel 2
Booster, Beetle, Fire, and Ice head to Florida to intercede in the growing crisis following Superman's defeat at the hands of the new Royal Flush Gang. Naturally, the most experienced field leader of the quartet, Booster plays the role of motivational speaker to his fellow, less confident heroes.
Page 17, panel 3
For the second time in his career, Booster finds himself heading into battle with the Royal Flush Gang alongside the Justice League. For the second time in his career, Maxwell Lord may have had more than a little to do with arranging the confrontation. Combatants this time around include Aquaman, Blue Beetle, Crimson Fox, Dr. Light IV, Elongated Man, Fire, Flash III, Green Lantern II, Guy Gardner, Ice, Metamorpho, Power Girl, and Superman.
Page 33, panel 9
FIRST APPEARANCE: First appearance of Bloodwynd, a future member of the Justice League.
Page 34, panel 1
After the battle, Booster and Beetle discuss the setting for the Royal Flush Gang's kidnapping: the Florida amusement park Funny Stuff Park. Booster suggests that Club JLI would have been more successful if it had a castle as an attraction. Apparently he's forgotten that the club's true downfall was a combination of casino card-counting and the island's tendency to wander around. (For the complete story, see Justice League America #34 & #35.) The mascots of Funny Stuff park include toe-headed children Sugar and Spike and talking funny animal Nutsy Squirrel, all of whom had their own DC comic books in previous years.
Page 36, panel 8
As the League reforms around a nucleus of Green Lantern II (Hal Jordan) and Superman, Booster and Beetle lament that Guy Gardner will still be included. Booster makes no announcement regarding his future with either the new Justice League or the Conglomerate at this time.
Boosterrific Review: This issue marks the transition between the "Bwah-ha-ha" era of the early Justice League International and the more serious action-oriented adventures to come. The story is indicative of what is to be expected from new series writer Dan Jurgens, and while different from what came before, it is no worse and in some ways better. Certainly, this story is more reverent to the history of the League than previous writer Keith Giffen often was, but like Giffen, Jurgens is firmly focused on developing strong characters and fast-paced action adventure stories.
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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