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Kyle Rayner

The following list represents the 22 instances where Kyle Rayner, former artist turned resistance fighter, has encountered Booster Gold in the pages of a DC Comics publication.

For more information on Kyle Rayner, see here.

Entries below are presented in chronological order of release date by default. To resort the list, click on the column titles.

1. Zero Hour #2
July 1994
“Zero Hour”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
2. Zero Hour #3
July 1994
“Zero Hour”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
July 1996
“The Purge, Chapter 2: To Say Goodbye”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
November 1996
“The Final Night, Chapter One: Dusk”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
December 1996
“Funeral for a Hero”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
6. JLA #27
March 1999
“The Bigger They Come...”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
August 1999
“The Package”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
September 1999
“Machinations, Misconceptions and Revelations!”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
9. JLA #39
March 2000
“World War Three: Part Four”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
August 2004
“Chapter One: Coffin”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
June 2006
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
August 2008
“Ticket to Bludhaven”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
September 2008
“Caretakers of Mars”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
14. Booster Gold #23
October 2009
“Day of Death, Part III of IV”
15. Booster Gold #24
November 2009
“Day of Death, Epilogue”
May 2010
“Blackest Night”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
March 2011
“Night After Night”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
April 2011
“Truth and Consequences”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
October 2020
“An Anti-Crisis Part III, Pick Up Styx”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
January 2021
“An Anti-Crisis Part V, The Man of No Tomorrow”
February 2021
“An Anti-Crisis Part VI, The Truth Machine”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)
March 2021
“An Anti-Crisis Part VII, A Slap in the Face”
Hero (as Green Lantern V)




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SPOILER WARNING: The content at may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.