Final Crisis
“Ticket to Bludhaven”
Volume 1, Issue 2, August 2008
Released June 25, 2008
Cover Price: $3.99
Guide Price: $4.00 (as of 2011)
Estimated Issue Sales: 134,066

Writer: Grant Morrison
Penciller: J.G. Jones
Inker: J.G. Jones
Colorist: Alex Sinclair
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Assistant Editor: Adam Schlagman
Editor: Eddie Berganza
Heroes: Batman, Black Canary II, Black Lightning, Booster Gold, Doctor Mid-Nite II, Firestorm VI, Flash III, Geo-Force, Green Arrow I, Green Lantern I, Green Lantern II, Green Lantern III, Green Lantern V, Hawkgirl II, Hawkman I, Hourman II, Ice, Martian Manhunter, Metamorpho, Mister Terrific II, Red Arrow, Red Tornado, Stargirl, Superman, Vixen, Wildcat I, Wonder Woman, Zatanna
Supporting: Skeets II
Setting: Mars, Space, 21st-century
Cover Description: Each issue of Final Crisis has multiple covers. The two covers to this issue feature either the second Flash (Barry Allen) or Batman. (Neither includes Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Several growing crises plague the heroes of the DC Universe.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
This story has been reprinted in:
Final Crisis (2010)

Page 12, panel 1
Booster Gold and Skeets II are on the planet Mars as attendees for the funeral of the recently slain Martian Manhunter. Identifiable heroes pictured are Alan Scott (as Green Lantern), Batman, Black Canary, Black Lightning, Dr. Mid-Nite, Firestorm, Flash III, Geo-Force, Green Arrow, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Hourman, Ice, Green Lantern John Stewart (providing a green shield for the assembled mourners), Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, Metamorpho, Mr. Terrific, Red Tornado, Roy Harper (as Red Arrow), Stargirl, Superman, Vixen, Wildcat, Wonder Woman, and Zatanna Zatara. A very limited crowd of mourners (comprised mainly of active Justice League of American and Justice Society of America members) are shown in this issue, though others attendees are seen in Final Crisis: Requiem #1, where these proceedings are shown in more detail. This is Booster Gold's only appearance in this issue.
Boosterrific Review: J.G. Jones' art is fantastic, the pacing is fast and there is clearly some real drama here. However, something is just not right with this issue or this series to date. This is issue 2 of the mini-series, and yet still nothing makes sense. Heck, it's not even really clear what the main storyline is. Justice League co-founder Martian Manhunter's death seems to elicit no more than a collective shrug (just 2 pages of mourning/relevance?), Superman's supporting cast seems to be needlessly decimated (Dan Turpin is now an evil henchman? Did Superman forget he could see and hear through walls?), Barry Allen returns (Again? Didn't this just happen in last year's Infinite Crisis?), etc. Either writer Grant Morrison is trying too hard, or he's not trying hard enough, and it's just impossible to tell which it is.
Boosterrific Rating: Gold Standard.
Average Fan Rating: (1 vote)
Flash II didn't return in IC. In IC, Kid Flash II/Impulse became Flash IV [You are correct. I was confused. Bart Allen wears Barry's costume in that series. Barry appears only as a cameo via the Speed Force. -- Boosterrific]
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