Underworld Unleashed
“Seduction of the Innocent”
Volume 1, Issue 2, Early December 1995
Released October 3, 1995
Cover Price: $2.95
Guide Price: $4.00 (as of 2020)
Writer: Mark Waid
Penciller: Howard Porter
Inker: Dennis Janke
Colorists: Colorworks, Rick Taylor
Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos
Assistant Editors: Ruben Diaz, Alisande Morales
Editor: Brian Augustyn
Heroes: Amazing Man II, Argus II, Atom II, Black Canary II, Black Condor II, Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel, Damage, Firestorm V, Flash III, Green Arrow II, Gypsy, Huntress II, Martian Manhunter, Maxima, Mystek, Ray II, Superboy III, Triumph, Warrior, Wonder Woman
Setting: JLA Refuge, DCU, Earth orbit, 20th-century
Cover Description: Heroes, clockwise from top right, Batman, Wonder Woman, Kyle Rayner, Captain Marvel, Flash III, Blue Devil, and Ray II battle Neron. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Neron attempts to lure the heroes of the DC Universe into selling their souls.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK IV armored power-suit
Story Notes: The story title is also the name of a 1954 book by Dr. Fredric Wertham attacking the immorality of the comic books of the 1950s.
This story has been reprinted in:
Underworld Unleashed: The 25th Anniversary Edition (2020)
Underworld Unleashed (1998)
Page 35, panel 2
Booster Gold appears among the heroes Green Lantern Kyle Rayner has summoned to Wonder Woman's orbiting Justice League headquarters in order to discuss Neron's assault on Earth. Other heroes present include Amazing Man II, Argus II, Atom II, Black Canary II, Black Condor II, Blue Beetle II, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel, Connor Hawke (aka Green Arrow II), Damage, Firestorm V, Flash III, Guy Gardner (as Warrior), Gypsy, Huntress II, Martian Manhunter, Maxima, Mystek, Ray II, Superboy III, Triumph, and Wonder Woman I. This is Booster's first meeting with Green Arrow II, Damage, and Mystek. This is Booster's only appearance in this issue.
Boosterrific Review: For actually being little more than an extended character study into the true nature of the DC Universe's heroes and villains, this comic manages to bring considerable drama to what could be an otherwise dry morality tale. Certainly this is in no small part due to writer Mark Waid's character choice, especially including his selective inclusion of a handful of interesting and significant villains. This issue is the best of the series.
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
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