It has been 138 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2 matching: victoria kord
Friday, August 9, 2024
Canceled Again
Earlier this week, DC released the 11th and final issue of Blue Beetle volume 5 (or, if you're inclined to count Fox and Charlton's Blue Beetle titles before DC bought the character, volume 10).
To their credit, the creative team of the latest book bends over backwards to try to tie up all their loose ends while still leaving room for future growth. (In fact, it reminds me a little bit of Booster Gold Volume 1 #25.)
Most of the issue is spent with Jaime Reyes' supporting cast, including Ted and Victoria Kord, who manage to squeeze in a Booster Gold reference!
written by Josh Trujillo; art Adrian Gutierrez, Will Quintana, Lucas Gattoni; edited by Andrew Marino, Katie Kubert
Could this really be the last we'll see (or hear) of Ted's sister, a character absent from all 9 previous Blue Beetle volumes?[1] Only time -- and the inevitable eleventh volume of Blue Beetle -- will tell.
Thanks to BlueRedGold for making sure everyone saw this.
[1]Victoria Kord first appeared in a DC Comic book in Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #2[2], released in December 2022. Graduation Day was a six-issue mini-series whose creative team would carry over to this latest volume of Blue Beetle.
[2]Although Graduation Day was published months prior to the release of the Blue Beetle movie (which debuted in August 2023), the character of Victoria Kord was originally created by that movie's writers, Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer and Gary Dauberman. She was played by Susan Sarandon.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Blame It on Dark Crisis
As fans of Booster Gold know, the DC Universe is an inherently unstable place where status quo (and reality itself) can change at less than a moment's notice. No one is more aware of this than Booster Gold's best friend, Ted Kord.
Ted Kord has been the Blue Beetle since 1966. He's been a member of the Justice League since 1987. He's been dead since 2005 and alive again since 2014. And he's had a sister since... December.
And she's no fan of her brother's friendship with Booster Gold.
Blue Beetle Graduation Day #2, words by Josh Trujillo, art by Adrian Gutierrez, Wil Quintana, Lucas Gattoni
Booster boosters will remember that Ted was ousted as CEO of Kord Industries by its board of directors in last year's Blue and Gold #2, so it shouldn't be surprising that the board turned to his sister, even if we're just now meeting her for the first time.
If I have any gripes, it's that Ted has traditionally kept his participation as Blue Beetle a secret from the general public and other Kord Industries employees, but it makes sense he'd share his secret with his sister. I mean, Booster eventually told his secrets to his own sister, Michelle.
Wait. Is Victoria Ted's twin? That would be weird, right?
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Starfire have already appeared in issues of Blue Beetle: Graduation Day. Will we see Booster in future issues? Only Victoria Kord knows for sure.
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