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Showing posts 1 - 3 of 3 matching: taxes

Monday, April 15, 2024

Death and That Other Thing

© DC Comics
Booster Gold #4

You still have until midnight to file, Booster. Better hurry up.

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Friday, August 5, 2022

My Favorite Pages: Booster Gold 4

My Favorite Pages

In many ways, Booster Gold volume 1 number 4 is exactly what you might expect from a Bonze Age DC comic: two disparate heroes are forced to team-up to have a fist fight with a would-be world conquering super villain and his minions. However, the story has several elements that make it unique, not the least of which is that after several issues subverting heroic tropes, Booster Gold gets to play the role of the prototypical hero and be morally contrasted with Rose, a "hero" who shuns attention.

That said, I actually prefer the pauses the story takes to show us Trixie Collins feeding her fish or Skip Andrews trying to get a comic book off the ground. And I cannot tell you how excited I get every time I read the final page of the story, which promises Booster's next big foe: the Internal Revenue Service!

© DC Comics

I am always disappointed that this subplot is eventually resolved off-panel. I think it would be interesting to meet Booster's bookkeeper.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Nekron and Taxes

Think your taxes are complicated? Stop and think a moment about Booster Gold, the world's least altruistic super hero, and his income derived entirely from public sponsorships. With no secret identity (the IRS recognizes Booster as a legal alien named "Booster Gold"), it's not like he can hide any cash in his other clothes. Presumably Booster has an unseen agent and accountant. Hopefully they are more honest than his first manager, Dirk Davis, who embezzled Booster's multi-billion fortune in the late 1980s when he turned traitor against the entire human race. Good help is so hard to find.

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