It has been 135 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 1 of 1 matching: how to lose a guy gardner in 10 days
Monday, February 5, 2024
New Release: How to Lose a Guy Gardner
DC's solicitations for January (released back in October), we learned that the Valentine's Day anthology one-shot would be called DC's How to Lose a Guy Gardner In 10 Days. We learned that it would be released on February 6 and feature 8 stories about dating inspired by "rom-coms of the ’90s and ’00s."
But now that it's here, and we have a preview of the issue at, we have also learned that one of those stores is about Booster Gold!
Hmm. DC's 'Twas the 'Mite Before Christmas was released in mid December, so this is the second time in under two months that Booster has appeared in his own story in one of these DC holiday anthologies. Should I take that to mean that A) there is no shortage of young creatives eager to work with Booster Gold, or B) anthologies sell better if they contain a Booster Gold story?
In either case, buy this book and make Skeets happy.
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