Showing posts 1 - 5 of 7 matching: google
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Clickbait and Switch
After a weeks of my Google Alerts feed being full of nothing but ongoing speculation about what might or might not be happening with the James Gunn Booster Gold television show, you can imagine my excitement at seeing this encouraging tidbit:
I love Skeets! And I love art! Show me more!
Following the link led me directly to this:
And now you all share my pain.
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Friday, February 7, 2014
The Market Is Down But I'm Still Getting Paid
Back in July 2012, I estimated that I'd see my first profit from the advertising on this website in December 2014. I want to congratulate all of you for beating those expectations! Google tells me that my check for $100 in advertising revenue is in the mail. Whoo-hoo!
On the flip side of the coin, has told me that since I haven't generated a single penny in sales for them since 2009, they are going to confiscate the $4.63 they've been holding for me since then. Google's payment threshold is $100, but Amazon sets the bar at only $10. In 4 years, I haven't been able to clear that bar, so it seems only fair that they sweep me from their ledgers.
The side effect of this is that Amazon isn't just emptying my account, they are deleting it. That means that I will soon be removing all links on this site. I don't suspect that anyone really cares: obviously no one was using them anyway.
Once again, thanks to all of you who click through the (real) ads on this site. That income is going to pay for web hosting, so your actions have ensured that will be around for another year. Thank you.
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Friday, January 4, 2013
Counting Down the Hits
For the past three years, I've been keeping record of raw page requests from the server. (You'll note a break in the graph around Oct 2012; that was when the forum was being remotely spammed by bots. I have therefore eliminated that data.)
The high water mark was November 2011. The coming of the New 52 sure did generate a lot of buzz, didn't it?
This second graph is what Google says the page hits are. Google only tracks hits that activate the embedded Javascript code, so it completely ignores hits from bots and spiders, some mobile devices, and any pages which do have not the Google Analytics code embedded (which includes some of the deeper pages in the site, including the house ads and some forum pages). The numbers from Google are, understandably, considerably lower.
What a big difference automated spiders make! Note that so far as Google is concerned, the apex was in Spring 2011, when the coming of the New 52 was announced. So as the humans departed, robots took over? That sounds about right.
Many thanks to everyone who has visited the site in the past 3 years, especially those of you with eyeballs and fingers.
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Monday, July 9, 2012
Happy Fifth Birthday to Me!
Today marks the fifth anniversary of opening its doors in the digital wasteland. Since construction started on this website, Booster Gold has gone from a dead supporting character in 52 to "The Greatest Hero You've Never Heard Of" to the leader of the United Nations' Justice League team. Booster's rise to greatness and the creation of this website cannot be a coincidence. You're welcome, Booster.
Google tells me that has been reached by over 40,000 unique computers around the world in the last two-and-a-half years alone. (Site visitor tracking was turned over to Google Analytics on Jan 24, 2010.) That's about how many Booster Gold comics sell each month. Could that mean that everyone who reads Booster Gold comics monthly has already dropped by this site?
The most hits has yet recorded in a single day was 301 on April 22, 2011. That's the day that Booster Gold made his appearance on Smallville. If a one-shot guest appearance on a television show can invigorate fans like that, bring on Booster Gold: The Television Series!
Since adding the blog, now has also added an RSS feed, a forum, and regularly updated Facebook and Twitter accounts. However, that's all just advertising for the heart of this site, the Boosterrific annotated archives. The archives now contain well over 2,500 pages of information about Booster Gold's adventures, artists, and associates, with new content still added at least every month. I proudly maintain that this site ensures that Booster Gold is the best documented character in the history of comic books. That's exactly how Booster would want it.
Something else Booster would want is revenue. Limited advertising was added to the site in January 2010. As mentioned in the blog shortly thereafter, it was estimated that advertising would generate its first windfall in May 20128. I'm glad to report that thanks to the interest of site visitors, the site advertising is now on pace to pay out just in time for Christmas 2014, so long as traffic doesn't decrease too significantly.
But speaking of a decrease in traffic, it appears that interest in is declining. So far in 2012, despite the fact that comic book sales have been surging, the site has averaged 121 hits per day. Over the same period just one year ago, the site averaged 153 hits per day. The data doesn't lie: I've experienced a 20% decrease in visitors since DC destroyed their old universe. The daily hits continue a slow but steady decline begun when the "New 52" debuted in September 2012. No doubt the cancellation of Justice League International doesn't help the situaton.
Whatever the future holds, wouldn't be anything without you, the Booster Gold fans. A hearty thank you to everyone who has dropped by in the past 5 years. I've enjoyed meeting, informing, and entertaining you. I hope to see you again in the future.
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Thursday, June 30, 2011
Boosterrific Analytics 2011
This time last year, I reported on the keywords that were bringing people to This site gets quite a few more hits daily now versus one year ago (averaging about 3 to 1 now over then), so let's take another look at Google Analytics and see what else has changed in a year.
- boosterrific
- booster gold
- boosteriffic
- boosterific
- booster gold jacket
- booster gold fansite
- jli pose
- broderick booster gold
- eurocrime elongated man
There are two things to learn here. One, "Boosterrific" is hard to spell. Two, a lot of people out there are still really curious about Eurocrime. Maybe DC needs to look into rebooting an Elongated Man series.
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SPOILER WARNING: The content at may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
Booster Gold, Skeets, and all related titles, characters, images, slogans, logos are trademark ™ and copyright © DC Comics unless otherwise noted and are used without expressed permission. This site is a reference to published information and is intended as a tribute to the artists and storytellers employed by DC Comics, both past and present. (We love you, DC.) Contents of this page and all text herein not reserved as intellectual property of DC Comics is copyright © 2007-2024 This page, analysis, commentary, and accompanying statistical data is designed for the private use of individuals and may not be duplicated or reproduced for profit without consent.