Friday, January 4, 2013
Counting Down the Hits
For the past three years, I've been keeping record of raw page requests from the server. (You'll note a break in the graph around Oct 2012; that was when the forum was being remotely spammed by bots. I have therefore eliminated that data.)
The high water mark was November 2011. The coming of the New 52 sure did generate a lot of buzz, didn't it?
This second graph is what Google says the page hits are. Google only tracks hits that activate the embedded Javascript code, so it completely ignores hits from bots and spiders, some mobile devices, and any pages which do have not the Google Analytics code embedded (which includes some of the deeper pages in the site, including the house ads and some forum pages). The numbers from Google are, understandably, considerably lower.
What a big difference automated spiders make! Note that so far as Google is concerned, the apex was in Spring 2011, when the coming of the New 52 was announced. So as the humans departed, robots took over? That sounds about right.
Many thanks to everyone who has visited the site in the past 3 years, especially those of you with eyeballs and fingers.
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