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It has been 133 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Monday, May 2, 2022

Dead Legends

The CW has finally ended the suspense by dropping the axe on DC's Legends of Tomorrow after seven seasons. You can read more details in "'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' Canceled at the CW" at, but what this means for Booster boosters is that we are unlikely to be seeing Donald Faison reprise as Booster Gold.

(Could he show up in The Flash? Or could WB decide to continue the Legends story on HBO Max at a later date? Who knows. Television executives are unstable people; they could do *anything*. The point here is that there won't be an eighth season on CW this fall.)

This marks the second time that Booster Gold has appeared in a live-action television show, and the second time that the show has ended shortly thereafter. Eleven years ago, Booster had a guest starring appearance in "Booster," the 18th of 22 episodes in the 10th and final season of CW's Smallville. The biggest difference between the two situations is that it had been announced a year in advance that the tenth season would be Smallville's last, giving the series the opportunity to build to a fitting finale. No such luck for Legends, which will end with all of its characters in jail for crimes against history. (Anyone else having Seinfled flashbacks?)

It's starting to look like Booster Gold is becoming the Pariah of the live-action DC Universe: doomed to arrive in a new Earth just as is it consumed by the great darkness. Frankly, since each television series is a derivation of the one, true DC continuity now known as Earth-0, maybe it's fitting that secret Time Master Booster Gold arrives in the nick of time to prune these alternate Earths.

It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it. Gotta make room for new shows somehow.

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Friday, August 9, 2019

The Future of Moving Pictures

Last weekend, CW president Mark Pedowitz spoke to reporters about his network's plans following the conclusion to Arrow at the end of the 2019-20 season, and he hinted that the replacement show is likely to also take place in the DC Comics-inspired "Arrowverse."

As the Hollywood Reporter reported, Pedowitz said

"There is another property we're looking at for the following season."

As you might expect, that vague tease has sent DC fandom into a bit of a tizzy as everyone developed their own pet theory for what he could have in mind and what they'd like to see. Sites like and CBR have suggested a bunch of possibilities, from Nightwing to the JSA. One name that comes up pretty consistently is, as you might expect, Booster Gold.

Booster seems as good a guess as anything. Arrow executive producer/writer/director Greg Berlanti has tried in the past to get a Booster Gold project off the ground. Last we heard, Booster was still in the works as a movie project at Warner Bros, but who knows?

Maybe this is Booster's opportunity. Maybe it isn't. There are a bunch of deserving DC Comics properties that remain chronically underexposed to mainstream audiences. Who will the lucky winner be? Keep watching the CW to find out.

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Monday, July 3, 2017

Ready for Television

For the Independence Day holiday this year, let's celebrate this classy redesign of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold by Julalesss on

Blue and Gold by julalesss at

I think they both look like something we might see on the CW, and I'm okay with that. At least there we can be sure that Booster won't be wearing his New 52 redesign. (No, I'm never going to stop beating that dead horse.)

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