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It has been 104 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2 matching: comics should be good

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Booster Gold Appeared Before Superman

Every Friday for the past ten years, Brian Cronin has run a regular "Comic Book Legends Revealed" post that clarifies some common misconceptions about comic book history. This past Friday, Booster Gold got a turn. Specifically, Superman's appearance in Booster Gold #6.

COMIC LEGEND: The first comic book appearance of the Post-Crisis Superman was in the pages of Booster Gold!

STATUS: I'm Going With True

[I]n the pages of Booster Gold #6 (by Dan Jurgens and Mike DeCarlo), Booster met Superman for the first time. ... Superman doesn't recognize the Legion of Superheroes flight ring, because THAT's the Post-Crisis Superman!

They essentially confirm it in the letter pages of Booster Gold #10, when people wrote in asking why Superman didn't recognize the ring.

Cronin included many great pictures with his article, but not the letter in reference. So here it is:

Dear Dan and Mike, 
Just a short letter to let you know how much I'm enjoying BOOSTER GOLD. Number 6 was no exception, his origin is proving as intriguing as previous issues promised. For example, Booster comes from 500 years in the future yet he has weapons from the Legion who come come from 1000 years in the future. I see that the Legion will be appearing in a couple of future issues so hopefully this anomaly will be resolved. Also, Skeels mentions a

Read Cronin's whole analysis and reasoning (with many, many pictures) at

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Art of Noise

If you like your music to sound like road construction, this is the band for you:

© Pat Prendergast

This image was Pat Prendergast's submission to Comic Book Resources' blog Comics Should Be Good. From left to right, that's Scott Pilgrim's Todd Ingram (Oni Press) on bass, X-Men's Syren (Marvel Comics) on lead vocals, "New Look" Booster Gold, and Scud the Disposable Assassin (Fireman Press) on drums. It's an eclectic band, no doubt, and if you go to their concert, be sure take your ear plugs.

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