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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 6 matching: letters page

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Booster Gold Appeared Before Superman

Every Friday for the past ten years, Brian Cronin has run a regular "Comic Book Legends Revealed" post that clarifies some common misconceptions about comic book history. This past Friday, Booster Gold got a turn. Specifically, Superman's appearance in Booster Gold #6.

COMIC LEGEND: The first comic book appearance of the Post-Crisis Superman was in the pages of Booster Gold!

STATUS: I'm Going With True

[I]n the pages of Booster Gold #6 (by Dan Jurgens and Mike DeCarlo), Booster met Superman for the first time. ... Superman doesn't recognize the Legion of Superheroes flight ring, because THAT's the Post-Crisis Superman!

They essentially confirm it in the letter pages of Booster Gold #10, when people wrote in asking why Superman didn't recognize the ring.

Cronin included many great pictures with his article, but not the letter in reference. So here it is:

Dear Dan and Mike, 
Just a short letter to let you know how much I'm enjoying BOOSTER GOLD. Number 6 was no exception, his origin is proving as intriguing as previous issues promised. For example, Booster comes from 500 years in the future yet he has weapons from the Legion who come come from 1000 years in the future. I see that the Legion will be appearing in a couple of future issues so hopefully this anomaly will be resolved. Also, Skeels mentions a

Read Cronin's whole analysis and reasoning (with many, many pictures) at

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Friday, July 29, 2011

According to Hoyle

Maybe you remember 1989's Justice League America #26? You know, the issue where Blue Beetle tried to kill Max Lord? It's understandable if you don't remember; the issue is notably absent any mention of Booster Gold. However, what I want you to remember about the issue is this letter by Eugene Hoyle:

Eugene Hoyle letter from Justice League America 26

Well, it turns out that Gene Hoyle is still interested in seeing Blue Beetle and Booster Gold get their due. He has started a Facebook page urging DC to revive Ted Kord in the DCnU and make him the new Oracle. Hey, if incredible character development and new legacy characters didn't stop DC from reverting Barbara Gordon to Batgirl, there's nothing keeping Ted Kord from getting better, too. You can give Hoyle's vision your support on Facebook here.

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Friday, January 14, 2011

The Letter Column Strikes Back

In yesterday's comments, Shawn bragged that he could see his letters to DC comics in any comic shop in the country. We at aim higher. Shawn, you can now see at least one of your letters at any computer in the world:

Twenty Extreme Questions with Shawn Baston

That may not quite be Superman flying a little blind girl around the world, but it's the best I could do on short notice.

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Return of the Letter Column

You may be aware that DC has promised to keep the prices of it's regular series at $2.99 for the foreseeable future. To keep this promise, they are cutting the story content in each issue back to 20 from 22 pages. The extra space will be filled with an old standard: the letter column.

The letter column was phased out of comics with the last millennium, as fandom was introduced to the intenet. So letter columns were dropped in favor of cheaper production costs for comics. But now they, like Deadman, have been resurrected in the wake of Blackest Night. Does that spell the end of internet fans sites like, say, Boosterrific? (Rest easy; that's a rhetorical question.)

I happen to like letter columns. I've found that they provide a great contemporary commentary about comics that becomes even more enlightening as the years have gone by. Older comics are much enriched by the inclusion of reader's opinions and feedback. It's not just nostalgia, it's history told by the readers.

I know that it's against your nature, comic book fans, but speak up and tell DC what you think. I encourage you to write DC a letter about your favorite (or least favorite) title, character, or artist. You can drop them a line electronically at or the old fashioned way by mailing it to this address:

Letters to the Editor
DC Comics
1700 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

Let's make this a success. I hope to be reading your letters in the back pages of Booster Gold volume 2 when I re-read it in 2030, when DC starts publishing Booster Gold volume 3. Plus, if the letter column can return, maybe there's hope for a comeback for page numbers!

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Speaking Out Part 2

While we're on the subject of how Keith Giffen destroys series, I decided to go looking for another letter column that I remembered once being especially critical of Keith Giffen's art. From 1986's Hex #18 (the final issue):

Giffen's art (how can I put this gently?) -- sucks eggs!

While most editors wouldn't print so much negative press in their letter columns, maybe because Hex was being canceled, or maybe because he had received a 3-to-1 ration of anti-Giffen letters, writer/editor Michael Fleisher filled the series final letter column with responses to Giffen's art. Nearly a quarter of a century later, and it doesn't seem that the reading public's opinion has much changed.

Have a happy Labor Day/Dragon*Con Weekend, everybody!

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There have been 2965 blog entries since January 2010.





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