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It has been 129 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Monday, February 12, 2024

Going out of Business

The algorithms that run the Internet have decided that I'm the target audience for the Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League video game. Despite it being a game built on DC Comic book super heroes, they are wrong.

I didn't care for Injustice or DCeased or DC Vs. Vampires, so It probably won't surprise you that I am not interested in playing as a villain and assassinating the heroes of the DC Universe. But has proven that it isn't entirely without value.

screenshot via

Booster Gold International has been out of business since Millennium in 1988, so I guess the events of Kill the Justice League must take place on an alternate Earth, perhaps one where Millennium never happened (or one where the Manhunters won?).

That's still not enough to make me want to roleplay as an unrepentantly psychopathic murderer with a bomb in my head, but I can't say that Kill the Justice League has nothing going for it anymore.

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Friday, November 25, 2022

My Favorite Pages: Booster Gold 16

My Favorite Pages

Booster Gold #16 is peak 1980s. From the "Greed is Good"-era mock corporate advertising on the cover to Booster's Miami Vice white suit with untied high-top kicks and short-cropped hair, this thing oozes day-glow and Rubik's cubes.

And while I do love all that stuff — after all, I am a child of the 80s who grew up with Knight Rider and Transformers — the page I appreciate the most in this issue is the throwback to the Silver and Bronze Ages of comics when readers were treated to cutaway views of important places like the Batcave or the Fortress of Solitude.

Meet the Booster Gold International Mansion (with garage and helipad in back)!

© DC Comics

Check out that American Flag in the Entertainment and Press Room! Rambo couldn't have done it better.

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