It has been 136 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 6 matching: age
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Seven Years a Superhero
I'm a reclusive misanthrope, so I have to rely on awesome Booster boosters like Steven Palchinski to alert me when cool Booster Gold info shows up on social media, info like this post from Dan Jurgens on X:
Hmm. That would mean that Booster Gold aged about three years over the first sixteen months of Booster Gold comics, and then aged only another three-or-so years over the next nineteen years nine months of comics? That seems... too young.
But who am I to argue with Booster's creator? In the past twelve years, The New 52, DC Rebirth, and Infinite Frontier have all consecutively rewritten the history of the DCU (with occasional contributions and input from Jurgens), so if Dan Jurgens says our hero is still under 30, I guess Booster Gold is under 30 years old.
Thanks, Steven!
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Thursday, October 8, 2015
What Do You Want To Watch?
Hey! Most of you are about the same age as Booster Gold. Go figure.
Last week's poll question: How old are you? (56 votes)
So Booster Gold and Blue Beetle are going to be in a movie together. But what kind of movie is that going to be?
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Thursday, October 1, 2015
Ask Your Parents for Permission
Most of you are probably unaware, but Blue Beetle Dan Garrett had his own radio show in 1940. That makes him the Blue Beetle most qualified to participate in a "buddy cop" movie.
That said, I voted for Ted.
Last week's poll question: Which character should costar in the Booster Gold movie? (66 votes)
Today's question isn't data mining. (I've got other systems for that. Bwah-ha-ha!) I just wondered how old Booster Gold's fan base was. And remember, this is for posterity so be honest.
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Thursday, August 21, 2014
Secret of His Success
That's almost a tie! (Any chance those votes correspond to the ages of the voters or how long they've been following the adventures of Booster Gold?)
Last week's poll question: How old do you think Booster Gold is? (63 votes)
Since we seem to have entered an era where the artists get all the fun (variant covers on everything every month now, DC? Really?), it seems a good time to appreciate the role the writers play in developing the characters we love.
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Thursday, August 14, 2014
Mid-Life Crisis
Enthusiastic crowd! Here's hoping that most of you aren't wrong.
Last week's poll question: What do you think Dan DiDio was teasing about DC's plans for Booster Gold? (62 votes)
Joss recently joined the Boosterrific Forum (hello, Joss!), and he immediately asked me the tough question: How old is Booster Gold? That's a hard question to answer.
Booster was in his mid-twenties when he debuted in Booster Gold volume 1, and was revealed to be in his mid-thirties in later issues of Booster Gold volume 2, but that was before he was infected with a disease that made his functionally immortal. Of course, the New 52 reset everything, making the entire DC Universe, and presumably Booster Gold, considerably younger, although Booster seemed to survive Flashpoint unaltered. Where does all that leave Booster Gold?
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