It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019
New Release: DCeased A Good Day to Die 1
Today's DCeased: A Good Day to Die #1 is a one-shot spin-off of Tom Taylor's DCeased mini-series. DCeased is a zombie story set in an alternate DC Universe. Don't expect anyone to make it out alive.
The book has four solicited covers, none of which includes Booster Gold. I'd consider that an especially bad sign for our hero.
Speaking of covers, also released today is Legion of Super Heroes Millennium #1. It, too, has multiple covers, one of which is half of the double-cover that will pair with the cover to October's issue #2 that has Booster Gold front and center. If you plan on completing the set (drawn by artist Bryan Hitch and previewed here), you might want to go ahead and pick that up.
Buy any one or more of those covers and make Skeets happy, at least so long as Skeets is capable of happiness. The vector for the DCeased zombie outbreak is digital technology, so not even Skeets is safe. (Gulp!)
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