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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 7 matching: woman in black

Monday, April 8, 2019

Get Her to the Greek

Via, Dan Jurgens finally has confirmed the identity of the mysterious woman we saw on the originally solicited cover to the 2012 New 52 relaunch of the Justice League International #1.

To refresh your memory, here is the originally solicited cover, with the woman in Black, on the left and the published cover, with Godiva, on the right:

© DC Comics
Art by Aaron Lopresti

As the statute of limitations has expired... Someone who had shown up in the last few issues of Booster Gold: Alexandra Gianaopoulos. --@thedanjurgens 4 Apr 2019

Alexandra Gianopoulos was introduced in Booster Gold #45 when Booster quite literally fell into her bed in the "Flashpoint" timeline. Her power was the ability to "borrow" the power of anyone she touched, similar to Rogue of the X-Men. Despite also appearing on the published cover of Justice League International #5, Gianopoulos has never actually made the transition from the Flashpoint timeline to mainstream DCnU continuity.

Thanks to @Cyberjaeger for asking the question that finally resolved this longstanding mystery.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

International Exchange: JLI #5

Russell Burlingame's latest "International Exchange" column ran yesterday morning on Burlingame and Jurgens are really developing a rapport after all these years: this month's column is the most entertaining, most informative one yet. You know it's going to be good when Burlingame goes straight for the jugular:

International Exchange: I'll start with the hard, and obvious, question: Who's that girl on the far right side of the cover? It doesn't look like Lady Godiva.

Dan Jurgens: There's a very good answer for that.

It's a mistake. A screw up.

She shouldn't be there as she wasn't yet due to appear in the book. Given the amount of people who look at these things, I have no idea how it ever made it all the way through to print.

Note that Jurgens says the mysterious Woman in Black wasn't "yet" in the book. So when will we be discovering the true identity of this woman who is not Godiva, Wonder Woman, or Donna Troy? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Releases: Justice League International #5

The first week of the new year brings the conclusion to the battle between the JLI and Peraxxus in Justice League International #5, or so solicitations for next month's issue would have us believe. Perhaps a more pressing question is still "who is the woman in black on the cover?"

© DC Comics © DC Comics

The last time we saw the woman in black on a solicited cover, she was removed from the final product. This time she remains on the final cover (as seen on DC's The Source blog). Is she a new character to the title or an editorial oversight? Buy this issue and satisfy Skeets' curiosity.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

She's Back?

This has been covered elsewhere (from mainstream sites like Bleeding Cool to blogs like Exploring the Time Lab to the Boosterrific Forum), but I would be remiss not to mention it here: the woman in black is back.

© DC Comics

The mysterious lady on the right side of the advance solicitation cover for Justice League International #5 released by DC earlier this week was last seen on the solicited cover to Justice League International #1. She was removed from the cover and eventually replaced by Godiva in the published issue (as seen here).

While we still don't even know who she is, we can probably assume that it must be Godiva's evil twin, Godiva Dark! Will Justice League International #5 really be her bittersweet introduction to the JLI, or did DC fudge another solicitation image? Find out when the issue hits stands on January 4, 2012.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesdays with Dan Jurgens

Raymond Master's interview with Dan Jurgens was posted last week at the GeekDad blog on The interview was conducted a few weeks ago and as usually the case with Jurgens' interviews, it is not exactly filled with ground-breaking inforamtion. However, it's not without it's value.

[GeekDad:] Aside from his creation, of course, what's your favorite Booster memory from the early days? And more recently?

[Jurgens:] My favorite memory is probably seeing the first issue on the stands. I was fairly new to the business and very, very raw as a writer. It was quite a hurdle to get the project moving and an even bigger thrill to actually see it through to realization.

But that's not all! An interview with Jurgens and Aaron Lopresti by Poet Mase appeared last week in IGN's series on the New 52. This interview is more recent than GeekDad's and is considerably more focused on Justice League International.

IGN: There was quite a bit of discussion about Wonder Woman's pants on the Justice League cover, but largely lost in the shuffle was the disappearing act pulled by the ninth member of the JLI cover. You said previously that it wasn't Wonder Woman or Donna Troy and that you were intentionally keeping things quiet. Now she's gone. What can you tell us about what happened and why?

Jurgens: This is one of those instances where cover art was prepared before we had finalized all the plans for the first issue's story. We continued to make some adjustments in the cast, shifting some story elements around and that mandated the change.

Note that response doesn't quite answer the question of who that brunette was. That Dan Jurgens: what a tease.

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