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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Giving Thanks for Hollywood 2023 Edition

Big announcement today about our favorite hero coming to HBO! Says the press release:

The story will center on Booster Gold, a washed-up athlete from the future who travels back to the present in hopes of becoming the greatest super hero of all time. Instead of chasing criminals, however, his main priority is chasing fame and money. But Booster Gold discovers that being a hero takes more than just a megawatt smile, and that the future doesn't happen without first protecting the present.

Oh, wait. Sorry. That one was from the press release from 2011 when Booster Gold was coming to SyFy. Obviously, that one never materialized. I'm sure this new one by *checks notes* James Gunn is totally better and will really happen this time.

Don't let my snark fool you. I'm pleased as punch that Booster might be finally coming to a... whatever screen it is you can watch HBO Max on. Tablet? Cell phone? That seems appropriate for Booster.

You can see for yourself Gunn's announcement of DCEU "Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters" — which one is Booster? God or monster? — on, and you can read a pretty good write-up about what all it entails on In both Gunn describes the upcoming Booster story as:

Booster Gold is one of comics really popular cult heroes. He is a fascinating guy. He is a loser from the future who uses future technology to come back to present day and become a superhero so that people will love him. It is basically a superhero story of Impostor Syndrome on an HBO Max series.

That does sound like an angle that HBO would want to tackle. And I don't disagree with that take on the character, although I might have worded it a little differently. Personally, I prefer how Booster's creator Dan Jurgens described his hero to Russ Burlingame at

With a character like Booster, who's more complex that many people realize, clarity is essential. Many writers have made the mistake of treating him like an idiot, which he most certainly isn't. It's just that his journey from problem to solution sometimes gets a bit tangled up, which is what happens to most of us in our own lives.

Heck, that might be the best, most succinct description of Booster Gold ever. Nobody gets him like Dan does.

If the ten different projects Gunn mentioned are released in order, it sounds like we shouldn't expect Booster Gold sooner than 2025. We've all got plenty of time to get excited.

Thanks to all who made sure I knew the news.

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Monday, May 2, 2022

Dead Legends

The CW has finally ended the suspense by dropping the axe on DC's Legends of Tomorrow after seven seasons. You can read more details in "'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' Canceled at the CW" at, but what this means for Booster boosters is that we are unlikely to be seeing Donald Faison reprise as Booster Gold.

(Could he show up in The Flash? Or could WB decide to continue the Legends story on HBO Max at a later date? Who knows. Television executives are unstable people; they could do *anything*. The point here is that there won't be an eighth season on CW this fall.)

This marks the second time that Booster Gold has appeared in a live-action television show, and the second time that the show has ended shortly thereafter. Eleven years ago, Booster had a guest starring appearance in "Booster," the 18th of 22 episodes in the 10th and final season of CW's Smallville. The biggest difference between the two situations is that it had been announced a year in advance that the tenth season would be Smallville's last, giving the series the opportunity to build to a fitting finale. No such luck for Legends, which will end with all of its characters in jail for crimes against history. (Anyone else having Seinfled flashbacks?)

It's starting to look like Booster Gold is becoming the Pariah of the live-action DC Universe: doomed to arrive in a new Earth just as is it consumed by the great darkness. Frankly, since each television series is a derivation of the one, true DC continuity now known as Earth-0, maybe it's fitting that secret Time Master Booster Gold arrives in the nick of time to prune these alternate Earths.

It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it. Gotta make room for new shows somehow.

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Monday, March 20, 2017

No Booster Gold Movie Until 2022?

Last week, Variety film reporter Justin Kroll tweeted that Warner Brothers is willing to be patient while developing scripts for DC movies.

'With BATMAN likely shooting in 2018, WB still would like one more DC property to shoot this year other than AQUAMAN ... The 5 films being considered are SIRENS, FLASH, LANTERN, SQUAD 2 and DARK UNIVERSE. ... That said if scripts aren't ready to go, studio is content just shooting AQUAMAN this year till films are ready to go' @krolljvar 2017-03-16

Generally speaking, that's good news. Bad scripts make bad movies. However, if you read between the lines there, you might notice a particular DC property that is not being considered as a possibility for development in the near future.

Consider that

A.) Aquaman is the only DC property currently scheduled for filming,

B.) WB isn't releasing Aquaman until December 21, 2018 (at he earliest),

C.) based on past history, WB is unlikely to release more than 2 DC movies in a given year,

D.) WB has already prioritized the six properties most likely to follow.

We can draw this conclusion: the soonest we're likely to see a Booster Gold movie is 2022, and maybe not until much later. There's still talk of Cyborg, Shazam, Deadhsot, and Nightwing movies, not to mention a Justice League sequel. Are we eight years away from Booster Gold: The Movie?

In any event, later's better than never. At least by that time Booster's sure to have reappeared in the DCU again, right?

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Limited Edition PEZ Movie Projectors

Maane Khatchatourian of has reported that Envision Media Arts is planning on making an animated movie based on PEZ candies. There is no news on what the movie will be about, but if Danish LEGO can succeed in Hollywood, I don't see what's stopping Austrian PEZ.

I foresee kid-friendly adventures in a world populated with bizarre characters who eject items they need from their neck, much like the character Rico in another animated success, The Penguins of Madagascar.

If PEZ wants to emulate LEGO's success, they should also leverage the intellectual properties of their licensing partners. There have been hundreds of different heads made. Somebody's would pay good money to see Fred Flintstone interact with Bart Simpson on the big screen. And don't forget Batman. There's nothing he won't be in.

This news is bound to bring the copycats out of the woodwork. If I were an affluent glory-hound, I'd already be investing my money in a "parody" variant that could beat the brand-name movie to market. Don't be surprised to see a PESL movie coming to a Netflix queue near you.

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