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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 6 matching: jim pesl

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Limited Edition PEZ Movie Projectors

Maane Khatchatourian of has reported that Envision Media Arts is planning on making an animated movie based on PEZ candies. There is no news on what the movie will be about, but if Danish LEGO can succeed in Hollywood, I don't see what's stopping Austrian PEZ.

I foresee kid-friendly adventures in a world populated with bizarre characters who eject items they need from their neck, much like the character Rico in another animated success, The Penguins of Madagascar.

If PEZ wants to emulate LEGO's success, they should also leverage the intellectual properties of their licensing partners. There have been hundreds of different heads made. Somebody's would pay good money to see Fred Flintstone interact with Bart Simpson on the big screen. And don't forget Batman. There's nothing he won't be in.

This news is bound to bring the copycats out of the woodwork. If I were an affluent glory-hound, I'd already be investing my money in a "parody" variant that could beat the brand-name movie to market. Don't be surprised to see a PESL movie coming to a Netflix queue near you.

© DC Comics

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sul Sito di Booster Gold

I recently got my hands on the first Italian trade of Booster Gold Vol. 2. Apparently published in 2010, it collects issues #20 through #27. I have no idea why they started there — Blackest Night? — but I get a big kick realizing that "PESL" is now in print worldwide.

© DC Comics
Panel from Booster Gold Vol. 2, #23 (in Italian!)

After I noticed that some of the "bwah ha ha"s had been changed to just "ha ha"s, I decided to check the Italian dialogue against the original English publication (via Google Translate) to see if anything else had changed. My test was this line from the panel above:

Sul sito di Booster Gold, curato dal mio fan club, potrete trovare tutto quello che volete sapere a proposito del vostro eroe preferito.

In the original American edition, Booster says

The Booster Gold website, maintained by my very own fan club, will be the place to go to learn about your favorite heroes.

In this case, the Italian translation is actually an improvement.

On the site of Booster Gold, edited by my fan club, you can find everything you want to know about your favorite hero.

See what I mean? The Italians know that the only hero we care about is Booster Gold.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

What Did He Just Say?

Are you wondering what Peraxxus was saying as he gave Guy Gardner a Parallax-sized beat down in yesterday's Justice League International #4? Well, now you can translate the trash talk with this handy Peraxxus Cryptographic Language Key!

Peraxxus to English translation key

To get you started, Peraxxus' first line of the issue is "The alarm! There is an intruder!"

Beware: Peraxxus' speech contains a couple of typos. And for some reason, the standalone first-person singular pronoun "I" is represented by three different glyphs! Do no DC editors speak Peraxxian? (Note to letterer Travis Lanham: it looks like no one's looking, so go nuts! I understand that if you are clever enough about it, you can start sneaking your friend's names into the book. Just ask Jim Pesl.)

If you'd rather simply read the translations than try to decipher them yourself, you'll find them in the issue annotations here.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Will Work for Food

Thanks to site commenter Anonymous, we have known for a few months that the Jim Pesl referenced in Booster Gold Volume 2 was a high school friend of Norm Rapmund who now works in a restaurant in Northern California.

Thanks to Russ Burlingame's recent "Panel Discussions" podcast, we now know why Norm Rapmund puts Jim Pesl's name (pronounced "pē-zuhl") in his comics:

It was actually kind of funny that it took until Booster Gold for people to notice because [Rapmund]'s been doing this for years. He started slipping Pesl's name in back when he was doing X-Men [beginning in 2000] and he's put it in ... not every issue he's ever inked but pretty much every title he's inked in one way or another.

The pair of them have been friends for 20-odd years. Back in high school Jim was the only other person besides Norm who read comics. When Norm started working in comics and Jim was still reading, he threw the name in there. They live in the same general area, and [Norm found that] Pesl was very excited about having been referenced in X-Men. So Norm started tossing it in and occasionally bringing free comics to Pesl's restaurant. In exchange, Pesl gives Norm food. So there you have it.

Free food sounds like a pretty good reason to put someone's name in your comics, but maybe higher cosmic forces are at play. As fate would have it, the pair graduated from El Dorado High School. El Dorado is the name of the infamous South American City of Gold.

James Pesl and Norm Rapmund

From El Dorado High School to Booster Gold. And now you know the rest of the story.

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Jim Pesl: Mystery Revealed!

Thanks to some investigative work by long-time Booster Gold fan and frequent contributor Shawn Baston, we now know who Jim Pesl is. In Shawn's own words:

Talked to Dan Jurgens today. I asked him about "Pesl" that shows up in the artwork. It turns out it's the name of an old college buddy of Norm Rapmund from Grand Rapids, and Norm likes to sneek it in from time to time.

So there we have it. Mystery solved. Thanks, Shawn (and Dan), for getting to the bottom of this.

UPDATE, March 2011: Check out the comment from Anonymous below with a little more clarification regarding Jim Pesl. (Sure, it's not exactly from a verified source, but what would someone going by the tag "Anonymous" have to hide?)

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