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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Release: All-Star Western #19

Today Booster Gold makes his first appearance in the DCU since August 2012 in the pages of All-Star Western #19. Earlier this week, Brian Truitt of USA Today interviewed issue co-writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray.

"We're going to see Booster thinking on his feet," [Palmiotti] says. "He's pressed into a situation right away in the book that is a lot bigger than he can handle, and Jonah has a firm grasp of what's going on and Booster is coming into it and trying to figure out not only why he's there and what he's doing there but also solve what's been dumped on him."

This is neither Booster's first trip to the Old West nor his first meeting with Jonah Hex. Dialogue in the issue preview subtly implies that Booster's previous drunken meeting with Hex in Booster Gold, volume 2, #3 is still in continuity! Hooray!

You can read a preview of the issue yourself at, where Russell Burlingame will soon be running a variation of his "Gold Exchange" column with co-writer Justin Gray.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flashpoint Previews and Infographics

Yesterday DC announced in The Source that exclusive first looks at Flashpoint would be in USA Today. The first four pages of issue #1 are already online accompanying Brian Truitt's article here. I have mixed feelings about this.

On one hand, it's great that DC is getting some mainstream exposure for their summer event. You can't expect people to want to read comics unless they know about comics. So if a mainstream audience finds out that they exist, it can't be a bad thing for sales of Flashpoint and maybe even the tangentially related Booster Gold.

On the other hand, USA Today references comics like they are for people other than readers of USA Today. It sounds to me that USA Today is trivializing Flashpoint, and I would expect that works counter to what DC would want to be promoting.

I'm not new to this cycle of comic book event hype. I'm sure that condescending articles in USA Today are better than no articles at all. So I'll take what I can get, but I'll keep hoping for more.

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