It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 9 matching: jimmy palmiotti
Monday, August 14, 2023
Turn, Turn, Turn
This was the Boosterrific blog entry exactly one decade ago today:
Happy Birthday, Jimmy Palmiotti!
All Booster Gold fans should take the time to wish Jimmy Palmiotti a happy birthday!
Palmiotti and his writing partner, Justin Gray, are the only writers at DC who have given Booster Gold anything to do in the DCnU in 2013. Maybe if we're really nice to him on his birthday, he will arrange for Booster to return to All-Star Western where we can all find out whether Booster and Jonah Hex can work out their differences. (If we're really, really nice, maybe we can get Skeets back in the Old West, too!)
So thank you, Mr. Palmiotti. May you have many more.
A few things of note about that:
First of all, happy birthday (again), Jimmy.
Secondly, although Palmiotti and his frequent collaborator Amanda Conner are now long-associated with Harley Quinn, their first Harley book hadn't even come out yet when I originally posted that! How many
And third, I find it very interesting that exactly 10 years later, Booster has hit another extended dry spell between published adventures (with only the briefest of respites in last week's issue of, of all things, a Harley Quinn book). What's that they say about history repeating itself?
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Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Boys Will Be Boys
The database here at Boosterrific lists every known Booster Gold comic book appearance. That includes all 245 meetings between Booster Gold and Blue Beetle.
However, one comic you'll not see on that list is Starfire #1 (2015), in which the alien princess and model had a drink with "Blue" and "Gold." To correct that oversight, here are the relevant pages:
And I thought Wonder Woman was harsh!
Starfire #1 was created by Amanda Connor, Jimmy Palmiotti, Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy, Hi-Fi, Tom Nepolitano, Paul Kaminski, and Eddie Berganza.
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Booster Gold Sighting
Boosterphile Chris Aguinaldo was the first to tell me that All-Star Western writer Jimmy Palmiotti spilled the big news about his planned guest star in "Palmiotti Brings Superman to 'All-Star Western'."
CBR News: Although Superman's the character featured alongside Jonah on the cover, perhaps the bigger event was Gina bringing Jonah to the museum exhibiting his body. What was your process for designing the exhibit? The faux comic book covers were an especially nice touch.
Palmiotti: We thought it would be cool for Jonah to see the impact he made in his life -- good or bad, real or not, and have him process [the information]. The items in the exhibit are specific, and the actual stuffed Jonah is from a story originally told in the classic "Jonah Hex Spectacular," where we theoretically witness the end of Jonah's life. We have scrutinized that issue and plan on coming back to it later once the story moves from the current location. And, yes, Booster Gold will be in Issue 28 for those that love the character. Things will be moving quickly.
The book will be released on February 26. You can read more about what to expect in the issue in Steve Sunu's full interview at
Thanks to Chris for spreading the good word.
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Happy Birthday, Jimmy Palmiotti!
All Booster Gold fans should take the time to wish Jimmy Palmiotti a happy birthday!
Palmiotti and his writing partner, Justin Gray, are the only writers at DC who have given Booster Gold anything to do in the DCnU in 2013. Maybe if we're really nice to him on his birthday, he will arrange for Booster to return to All-Star Western where we can all find out whether Booster and Jonah Hex can work out their differences. (If we're really, really nice, maybe we can get Skeets back in the Old West, too!)
So thank you, Mr. Palmiotti. May you have many more.
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Friday, June 21, 2013
Friends in High Places
It is convention season, and as usual some interesting news pops up from time to time at convention panels. Take for example Steve Sunu's coverage of DC's Batman panel at HeroesCon 2013 for
[Jimmy] Palmiotti revealed bringing Booster Gold into "All Star Western" actually came from Dan DiDio. "We just started laughing," Palmiotti recalled of his reaction to the idea. "Dan's suggestion was also to bring Jonah into Gotham. He's the biggest Jonah fan I know. When he gets his chance to put in his two cents, we let him.... There was a Jonah Hex series in the future that was silly way back when and I said I'd rather write him now. Jonah's seeing people on cellphones, thinking girls who aren't wearing much are all hookers. The great thing is -- the thing that people don't know about Dan -- I don't know someone who has a bigger comic collection than Dan DiDio. We all have long boxes, but with Dan, you can actually make a hallway and furniture out of it. He's been really good for us -- at a time when Jonah wasn't selling much, he's always come up with an idea to get us just a little bit more. We even deal with that with 'All Star Western' now."
So there you have it, the reason why Jonah Hex got to keep a low-selling series after Flashpoint is because DC Co-Publisher Dan DiDio is a big fan.
If we want Booster back in his own title, we need to get a Booster Gold mega-fan into a corporate office. Hey, wait a second! What have you done for Booster Gold lately, DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns?
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