It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 27 matching: 2013
Friday, July 25, 2014
Here Comes Comic-Con 2014
It's that time of year again when thousands of pop culture fans flood San Diego. That's right, it's time for Comic-Con!
The picture above of a gender-flipped JLI was taken by David "DTJAAAAM" Ngo at last year's Comic-Con. You can find more of Ngo's cosplay pics at his website, Who knows what his lens will find this year?
BONUS COMIC-CON coverage: Chris Hardwick gave Booster Gold some love earlier this week on Comedy Central's @Midnight!
Don't get too excited. It ain't ever special edition Booster Gold action figures. Hardwick — he of the Nerdist Podcast and The Talking Dead — was making a joke, not an official announcement. You're not missing any Booster Gold action figures at Comic-Con (unless we're talking about the new Lego Batman 3 trailer — more on that on Monday).
You can find the whole @Midnight episode online at (Be warned. It's funny, but its got some salty language.)
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Friday, June 20, 2014
Nontraditional Skeets Cosplay
I really wish I'd found this sooner:
On, cosplayer Vanessa takes credit for her role as a humanoid Skeets:
This is from about a year back [at Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo 2013] where my bf and I were Booster Gold and a humanoid Skeets at Comikaze. :D It was our first cosplay and we really didn't know what the hell we were doing. Only one person got that I was Skeets (lol), but after I told the admiring Booster Gold fans, they were very excited. I've never seen a Skeets cosplay, so I thought I was pretty darn original, and the people who got it loved it. The best part was that every time I sat down I would leave a glittering gold butt print. It was great.
What a great idea!
The photo was taken by David Ngo, whose cosplay galleries on are truly staggering. You can see more of Vanessa's ideas at
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Monday, March 3, 2014
Dan Jurgens Talks Booster Gold
Morgenstern hasn't bought a DC comic in months, but he's still trolling the web for Booster Gold. And today he's found for us Dan Jurgens talking Booster Gold with Con Men at the 2013 Phoenix Comicon.
Asked whether or not Jurgens thinks Booster's pre-Flashpoint DCU memories survived the transition to the New 52 DCnU, he says, "[Booster] was outside time and space. Draw your own conclusions.... I think it's pretty clear."
Thanks, Morgenstern. (Also thanks to Con Men Interviews and, of course, Dan Jurgens!)
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Thursday, January 9, 2014
Good Help Is Hard to Find
So, so much to be disappointed about in 2013.
Last Week's poll question: What are you most disappointed that you did not see Booster Gold doing in 2013? (45 votes)
Maybe you heard — perhaps either from Russ Burlingame at or from MetalWoman in our own Boosterrific Forum — the news earlier this week that novelist Brian Keene had been asked to "do something with Booster Gold," an invitation that he had to refuse. You may recall that Jeff Katz worked in movies before working with Geoff Johns on Booster Gold Volume 2. How do we feel about another industry outsider writing Booster Gold comics?
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Thursday, December 26, 2013
Bad Year for Booster Gold
I bet Booster gets a lot of gift cards from former Justice League International teammates.
Last week's poll question: What present do you get for the super hero who has everything? (34 votes)
Last year I asked you, "What do you most expect to see Booster Gold doing in 2013?" You answered "fixing Flashpoint with the Time Masters." I don't think any of us predicted 2013 being as bad as it was for our hero.
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