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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Something to Look Forward to

Ok, I admit, I still haven't seen Blue Beetle. I will, eventually, I promise. Maybe soon, in fact. It's scheduled for release on DVD next week, and to promote that release, director Ángel Manuel Soto recently spoke to Andy Behbakht for

ScreenRant: Speaking about the future, we have the post-credits scene with Ted Kord. In your head, do you know what that reunion is going to look like between Ted and Jenny? That is a father-daughter relationship I want to learn more about.

Soto: Well, definitely! Our initial joke with that was, Jaime and Jenny would be talking later, and he showed up and they [Jaime and Ted] are like, 'Who are you? That's your dad?!' between them. But I think by doing it this way opens up more of a curiosity to where is he and why is he sending this message today? Why did he leave? What did he go out to do and I think it opens a lot of doors.

For me, I always liked the idea of him and Booster Gold doing adventures and then this message being sent as a warning of something that eventually Booster Gold is the one that's able to bring Jaime into the mix, or tap Kord's expertise through Booster's time travelling powers. So for me, one of those things I definitely [want to see] are Booster Gold and Ted Kord, I want them to be a part of Jaime's future. There's a lot more that exist in all the different iterations but the Blue and Gold series is phenomenal. Their relationship is really, really awesome and a lot of Jaime's relationships with both of them are iconic, so I hope it goes that way.

ScreenRant: How funny that we have a Booster Gold TV show coming with James Gunn's DC Universe! Without spoiling it, have you and James talked about Jaime's future? Do you know your next project with DC Studios, and have you discussed what you want to do with Jaime next?

Soto: Yeah, we have had conversations about it and that's where he mentioned to me about the Booster Gold TV show that is coming up. Now, where does it fit, how is it gonna play out? We haven't talked about that. But we both have talked about our interest in continuing Jaime's story, and finding a way for that story to be a part of this new universe.

It sounds like it's still far too early to talk about what exactly Gunn's Booster Gold television show is going to be. But if it's Ted Kord and Booster Gold's misadventures through time, that sure would qualify as "must see" TV.

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Friday, March 25, 2022

At Least I Can Appreciate His Honesty

Now that Donald Faison is playing Booster Gold in the CW's "Arrowverse," there appears to be a groundswell of fan support for his Scrubs and Fake Doctors, Real Friends co-star Zach Braff to play Booster's best friend, Blue Beetle.

But would Braff even want to do it?

Thankfully for all Blue and Gold fandom, writer Nathan Graham-Lowery put the question to Braff directly.

ScreenRant: Now, what are the chances we can get you to re-team up and you can play Booster's best friend, the Blue Beetle, Ted Kord?

Zach Braff: That's what I heard. I heard rumors, and I know nothing about comic books, but when Donald got this part, my social media blew up with 'You got to play Ted Kord now'. Now I don't know who Ted Kord is. I'm sorry, comic book fans, but I would love to play Ted Kord. You can start the rumor. I'm down to play Ted Kord. I don't know anything about Ted Kord, but I'll do it.

That might sound crazy, but having no idea who your character is seems to be exactly what casting agents for the Arrowverse are looking for.

I look forward to seeing a Faison/Braff television reunion... should Legends of Tomorrow ever actually be renewed for an 8th season.

(According to, LoT is one of 12 current CW shows that have not yet been renewed or officially canceled yet. Apparently, the CW's parent companies [Paramount and WarnerMedia] are trying to sell the network, and conventional wisdom is that executives are waiting to see what their new parents have in mind before making any more commitments. I guess we'll see what we see whenever we see it.)

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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Criminal Profiling

To help Christopher Chance find who tried to murder Lex Luthor in the pages of Human Target #1, Andrew Firestone has compiled a list of suspect "ranked in order of suspicion" for Guess who he has at number 1?

Most superheroes do what they do because they feel they have a moral obligation to their fellow man to help other people. Not Booster Gold. Notable future time-traveler Booster, also known as Michael Jon Carter, claims he went back in time to the present day to become a famous, wealthy hero with the aid of futuristic technology. While Booster is rarely afforded the opportunity to actually become famous and wealthy in the comics, instead mostly serving as an honest and reasonably dependable hero, the fact remains that a hero with knowledge of the future could easily stop such an attempt on Luthor's life, but chooses not to. This immediately casts suspicion upon him chief among the league. The most likely reason is obvious: that Booster Gold actually went back in time to stop a world-ending catastrophe by killing the man who caused it: Lex Luthor. After all, if Booster Gold were really here from the future to get rich, why aren't there more like him?

I think he's wrong, of course, but maybe only because I've read every Booster Gold comic published in the past 36 years. Since Tom King's Human Target is reimagining the Booster Gold of 1988, who knows what the past holds now?

© DC Comics
Justice League America #90 (1994)

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Friday, August 13, 2021

Getting by with a Little Help From His Friends

Web-surfing Booster boosters might have noticed an article at this week titled "Batman's Still Keeping His Saddest Secret From The Justice League" in which Tristan Benns writes about events from Blue and Gold #1.

(Spoiler Warning: If you still haven't read Blue and Gold, be aware that spoilers follow. But, c'mon. You're reading a Booster Gold blog, and the book came out three weeks ago. Please try to keep up.)

As I was saying, per

Pretty much every member of the team berates Gold behind his back, except for Batman — the hero that fans and Leaguers would expect to like Booster the least....

It's not entirely clear whether Booster's status as master of time has been restored in Infinite Frontier, but Batman's silence when the rest of the League rejects Booster speaks volumes, as does the knowing look he gives the Blue Beetle.

Sure, I noticed Batman's silent treatment, and I agree it speaks volumes. But to decipher what's going on here, it might be helpful to clarify Batman's historical relationship with Booster Gold.

Contrary to what might be presumed given his famously dour personality, Batman has always been among Booster's earliest supporters. In fact, Booster even made The Batman smile with his performance during his original audition for Justice League membership in Justice League #4 (1987):

© DC Comics
Batman and Booster as written by Keith Giffen and J.M DeMatteis

Two decades later, in the pages of in the pages of Booster Gold #1,000,000 (2008), The World's Greatest Detective would reveal another reason he had always stood up for Booster: he knew Booster would become a Time Master before Booster ever did.

© DC Comics

© DC Comics
Batman and Booster as written by Geoff Johns and Jeff Katz

The events of Flashpoint changed much of the history of the DC Universe, but Batman was among the least affected, and his staunch support of Booster Gold was still on display in Justice League International #1 (2011). So it should come as no surprise that Batman would remain among Booster's allies in the Infinite Frontier-era Blue & Gold, even if he and Ted Kord are the only ones.

Knowing all that, if there's anything to be read into Batman's silence in Blue and Gold, it's that Booster is definitely still a Time Master, and Batman still knows all about it.

© DC Comics
Batman and Beetle (about Booster) as written by Dan Jurgens

Footnote: "Pretty much every member of the team... except for Batman" is a very correct description of the scene in Blue and Gold because while Batman stays silent, one other Leaguer actually speaks up in defense of Booster Gold. That hero is Black Canary, who not coincidentally is the only other current team member who was present at Booster's debut in the aforementioned Justice League #4. (You can see her blond hair behind Captain Marvel in the panels above.) Old school is the best school.

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Friday, July 23, 2021

Everyone's Talking Blue and Gold

In promotion of Blue and Gold #1, DC Comics has posted a primer on the history of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold on their blog at

Most of what they have to say won't come as news to readers, but that's not necessarily true of what Dan Jurgens tells Liam McGuire in the interview now available at

Screen Rant: Booster Gold and Blue Beetle have a very different relationship with the big players on DC's Justice League. Does that difference get explored in this book?

Dan Jurgens: Very much so. Booster is a rather insecure person. He craves acceptance from the other heroes. He's desperate to be regarded as an "A-Lister".

Ted would like that as well, but it's not an obsession for him. Booster, on the other hand, is desperate for it.

It's always great to have insight on how Booster's creator views his creation. "Insecure" may be an unusual word to apply to a DC superhero, but it accurately describes Booster's personality and what has motivated him into so many of his misadventures.

But hold on, here's another interesting bit:

Screen Rant: What can you tell us about working with Ryan Sook on this project?

Dan Jurgens: Ryan and I have worked together on FUTURES END, ACTION COMICS and BATMAN BEYOND. Every time I work with him, I am amazed by the quality of work and depth of thought that shows up on each and every page.

He's very much into the spirit of this project and exploring the nature of these two characters. It's a delight to see his work come in as we're working Marvel style, and it's really giving him the opportunity to add his magic touch.

If you aren't familiar with the "Marvel style," it's a "plot-first" process pioneered by Stan Lee and his artists in the 1960s where bare-bones plots where provided to pencillers so they have the most flexibility to work engaging layouts. In this method, scripting dialogue is done last.

(Stan Lee once wrote a book called How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way that focused entirely on what panels should look like in a Marvel comic, not how the artist and writer might work together. Ironically, the process is better explained by Denny O'Neil in The DC Comics Guide to Writing Comics.)

Over the past four decades, Jurgens has pencilled most of his own Booster Gold scripts, so it's interesting to see how he writes Booster for other artists. Is this how he worked with Aaron Lopresti on Justice League International or Corin Howell for Bat-Mite?

I hope Jurgens doesn't tire of talking Booster Gold anytime soon. There's always more to learn.

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