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Showing posts 1 - 3 of 3 matching: sam humphries

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

New Release: Harley Quinn Vol 5

Now available at your Local Comic Shop is Harley Quinn Volume 5: Hollywood or Die, collecting the complete "California or Death" story from Harley Quinn #70 through #74. It's a lampoon of a the Hollywood detective noir genre (think The Big Sleep or Chinatown or, maybe more appropriately, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid).

The best part is that Booster Gold has a starring role as the romantic leading man!

© DC Comics
*gasp!* They're not wearing masks!

If you didn't see the fireworks between these two lovebirds the first time around, it's because you're a rational person who recognizes a bad mismatch of personalities without being hit over the head with a giant mallet now's your second chance!

To give the story fair credit, if you didn't know anything about Booster Gold or Harley Quinn before reading this, I'm sure you'll find it actually quite charming. Sam Humphries builds a passable DCU mystery story with a grab bag of endearing characters, and Sami Basri's art sells a lot of punchlines, both comedic and pugilistic.

But still, some characters simply shouldn't be used in some plots, knowwhatI'msaying? This story came out only months after Heroes in Crisis established a very different relationship between Booster Gold and Harley Quinn. Can you imagine if The Fugitive had ended with Dr. Richard Kimble kissing the One Armed Man? (The Fugitive. That's a show kids watch these days, right?)

As always, Skeets encourages you to buy any comic that features Booster Gold this prominently.

Comments (4) | Add a Comment | Tags: harley quinn new releases sam humphries sami basri

Monday, May 11, 2020

New Release: Harley Quinn 72

DC will be releasing Harley Quinn #72 tomorrow whether your Local Comic Shop is open or not (and whether your shop is accepting non-Diamond shipments or not).

Some of you young 'uns with your newfangled digital devices may want to forego buying a floppy and instead opt for the digital edition somewhere like

In any event, know that the issue will soon exist in the wild for you to hunt down at your convenience. And I know that you'll want to, because Booster Gold is definitely in it, as the preview at proves.

© DC Comics

Golly, does everything have to be about death these days? I mean, COVID-19 trigger warning, people.

Hey, wait a second, are they holding hands? Gasp! They're not social distancing!

No, seriously, Booster. I'm doing you a favor, man. Stay away from her. She's bad news. She literally tried to kill you. Multiple times. And not with a disease, with a mallet. That's a relationship red flag, buddy.

Buy this issue (sooner or later — but safely!) and make Skeets jealous.

Thanks to Michael Stalans for the preview link.

UPDATE 2020-05-11: Eskana put this link in the comments below, but I'm going to repost it here so everyone can see it. From "Harley Quinn's Sam Humphries Explains Her Budding Romance With Booster Gold". Just say no, Booster!

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Monday, March 9, 2020

Rebound Relationships

If you've been reading recent issues of Harley Quinn, you may have noticed that the relationship between the title character and her recurring guest star, Booster Gold, is not what you might have expected from a pair who this time last year were trying to kill one another.

Some of us readers might call that bad writing. Others might say that people forced into dysfunctional relationships have been known to form traumatically bonded pairs. Still others are so happy to see their heroes in a relationship that they'll ignore all that went before. That's more or less the tact that Brandon Zachary takes in his article "Harley Quinn's New Love Interest Could Be... a Justice League Hero?!" for

Booster Gold is far from the worse candidate, especially given their shared sense of humor, similar optimistic personality, and mutual attempts to move past trauma. While Harley has long conquered much of the trauma in her life, she's suffered more of it in the recent events in her life. Booster has been through his fair share of problems too, and the two can probably be helpful to one another as they try to sort their emotions out. Booster also proves to at least be trying to be more empathetic, immediately apologizing when Harley reveals the full extent of what's been happening in her life. The fact that they met during the tragic circumstances of Heroes in Crisis but ended up able to work together proves they're at least somewhat compatible.

Counterpoint: They didn't "work together" in Heroes in Crisis so much as they just sort of succeeded in not being killed themselves.

That said, who am I to judge? Harley Quinn #71 writer Sam Humphries' interpretation of the characters isn't any worse than Tom King's take on the pair in Heroes in Crisis. (No take can be worse than that.) If Humphries decides he wants Booster and Harley to couple up — a sentiment that even Zachary admits isn't explicit yet — so be it.

© DC Comics

But I have to warn you, I've heard that relationships based on intense experiences never work.

Comments (4) | Add a Comment | Tags: brandon zachary harley quinn relationships romance sam humphries

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