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It has been 130 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2 matching: peacemaker

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Enough Is Enough! I've Had It with These...

Since my antennae are always up for Booster Gold news, I'm being bombarded these days by nonstop rumors about which actor will play our hero in the announced James Gunn television show. The latest gossip (reported seemingly everywhere) is that someone has reported that they were personally told by someone else at a convention who it will be. Sorry, Internet clickbaiters, but I'm going to hold out for something a little more concrete before I declare the news Boosterrific-worthy. When DC/HBO are ready to announce the casting, they'll tell us.

Obviously, I'm not excited about this "news," but the dirty truth is that I really don't care who gets cast as Booster Gold on TV. That's because I know that they aren't making a television show for me. Heck, I doubt they're making it for any existing Booster Gold fans.

Why do I say that? Math.

Booster Gold Volume 2, which you would expect all then-existing Booster Gold comic book fans to have bought, sold approximately 53,000 copies of its first issue when first released during the month of August 2007. That's not too bad. Fifty-thousand continues to be a very respectable audience for a comic book even seventeen years later.

Compare that to the final episode of Peacemaker from February 2022. On release, HBO announced it set a single-day viewership record, and Forbes reported that over 584,000 households watched it opening weekend alone. You don't need to be a mathematician to see that 584k > 53k. By a factor of 10!

(If you want to turn those audiences into dollars: At $3.50 cover price, BG v2 #1earned a gross retail income of $185,500 in a whole month. An HBO Max subscription cost $15/month in 2022, so Peacemaker took in some portion of $8,775,000 worth of eyeballs in a single weekend!)

As the data indicates, if I was making television shows, I wouldn't be bothered by the opinions of a small minority 10% (or less) of my potential audience. You know I'm a die-hard comic book Booster booster, and if I could afford to get someone with the name recognition and box office clout of, say, Samuel L. Jackson in the role, you better believe I'd do it. He might not look or sound like Dan Jurgens' creation, but people would certainly pay to see what he delivers. And that's the whole point.

Not that I'm speculating, of course. I wouldn't do that.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Coming Soon to a Streaming Service Near You

Do you remember the alternate cover of Blue and Gold #2 back in August showcased the Suicide Squad in order to promote the movie of the same name? If it was in your Local Comic Shop, it was because they specifically ordered it (instead of or in addition to the standard Ryan Sook cover). I would have thought that a cover to a comic that gave no indication of what was inside would be a turn-off to buyers, but it must have sold well, because DC is doing it again next month with Blue and Gold #5:

© DC Comics
variant cover by Simone Di Meo (via

The Suicide Squad cover at least depicted the movie's version of Booster's old foe, Blackguard. This cover's connection to our hero is slightly more obscure.

If you saw the Suicide Squad movie, you've already met Peacemaker, "a man who loves peace so much that he is willing to fight for it!" However, you may not recognize the man in black reflected in Peacemaker's silver helmet. That's Vigilante, the masked alter ego of Adrian Chase, an early 80s Marv Wolfman and George Pérez creation who became in many ways DC's version of the Punisher.

Like Booster's best friend, the second Blue Beetle, Peacemaker was originally a Charlton character who jumped into the DC Universe following the Crisis on Infinite Earths. His first appearance in the DCU continuity was in Vigilante #36 (where he killed someone who was not Adrian Chase wearing the Vigilante costume). Peacemaker would later become a mentor to the third Blue Beetle, Jaime Reyes, who was revealed to the world by none other than Booster Gold.

Are those trivial connections to Booster Gold and Blue Beetle a good enough reason to put Peacemaker and Vigilante on the cover to Blue and Gold? I wouldn't think so, but then again, I don't have access to DC's sales numbers.

Both covers to Blue and Gold #5 should be available in fine comic shops everywhere on January 18, 2022.

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