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Friday, April 21, 2023

My Favorite Pages: Booster Gold 22

My Favorite Pages

As Brandon has accurately pointed out in comments on other entries in this series, Booster Gold #22 is indeed a downer. Bad things happen to Our Hero, and worse things happen to his family. But that drama actually makes for a pretty good comic book.

One of those bad things is a large gray monster more powerful than the assembled might of the entire Justice League International.

© DC Comics

In hindsight, especially under the direction of Dan Jurgens, this feels more than a little like a Doomsday scenario, don't you think?

Page 10 above is certainly a lot of fun, but it's hardly the only great page. Page 13 is also a blast — or perhaps I should say a "ba thooomm"? — and pages 18, 19, and 22, though less fun, are masterfully delivered full-page compositions. If you chose any of those as your favorite page of the issue, I certainly wouldn't argue.

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Friday, January 6, 2023

Booster Gold Is a Really Great Cereal Mascot

2023 is off to a pretty Boosterrific start. Another day, another lost Booster Gold appearance spotted by Booster booster Brandon.

Hi, I think this might be a new find of yet another Booster themed breakfast cereal from Hawk and Dove #28 from Oct 1991, page 7. Hawk has been hiding on the run, and been apparently been only eating sugary boxes of Booster Gold cereal.

Could this be true? Especially in light of what I posted on Monday, could there be another Booster Gold cereal product placement I didn't know about?

Turns out, yes. And it's a really cool one. Check it out.

© DC Comics
art by Greg Gular, Curt Swan, Ian Akin, John Statema, Matt Hollingsworth

I love, love, love that box, especially the back.

This, Flakies, Sugar Packed Boosteroes, Booster Bits, Booster Puffs, Golden Flakes.... I'm starting to think that Booster came back in time to fight dentists.

Thanks, Brandon.

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