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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 25 matching: birthday

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Happy Birthday, Booster Gold!

Today marks the negative 418th birthday of Jon Michael "Booster" Carter, born this day in the year 2442.

Annette Price

Congratulations, Booster!

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Friday, December 29, 2023

Happy Birthday, Booster Gold!

Today marks the negative 419th birthday of Jon Michael "Booster" Carter, born this day in the year 2442.

For most of the past decade, I've been accompanying my annual Booster Gold birthday wishes with the same pic of a Booster Gold cake based on the opening splash page from Booster Gold volume 1, #3.

That image first appeared on the the Internet sometime about 2008 and, according to The Oklahoman, is the work of Annette Price, co-owner (then and now) of Speeding Bullet Comics in Norman, OK.

As you might expect, the Internet has come a long way since 2008. Back in the day, photos had to be small to fit easily through all the tubes. One terabyte hard drives were only just becoming commercially available in 2008. But tubes and storage space are much, much bigger now — The Cloud! — so we can use bigger pictures on our giant monitors. Isn't living in the future great?

All of which means that it is finally time to retire my tiny cake picture and replace it with...



... a large cake picture!

Annette Price

Yes, that's the same photo, now embiggened through the use of modern "artificial intelligence" algorithms and ready for re-use for many more birthdays to come.

Congratulations, Booster!

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Monday, August 14, 2023

Turn, Turn, Turn

This was the Boosterrific blog entry exactly one decade ago today:


Happy Birthday, Jimmy Palmiotti!

All Booster Gold fans should take the time to wish Jimmy Palmiotti a happy birthday!

Palmiotti and his writing partner, Justin Gray, are the only writers at DC who have given Booster Gold anything to do in the DCnU in 2013. Maybe if we're really nice to him on his birthday, he will arrange for Booster to return to All-Star Western where we can all find out whether Booster and Jonah Hex can work out their differences. (If we're really, really nice, maybe we can get Skeets back in the Old West, too!)

So thank you, Mr. Palmiotti. May you have many more.

A few things of note about that:

First of all, happy birthday (again), Jimmy.

Secondly, although Palmiotti and his frequent collaborator Amanda Conner are now long-associated with Harley Quinn, their first Harley book hadn't even come out yet when I originally posted that! How many Harley Qunn series have there been in the past decade? Geez.

And third, I find it very interesting that exactly 10 years later, Booster has hit another extended dry spell between published adventures (with only the briefest of respites in last week's issue of, of all things, a Harley Quinn book). What's that they say about history repeating itself?

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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Happy Birthday, Booster Gold!

Today marks the negative 420th birthday of Jon Michael "Booster" Carter, born this day in the year 2442.

Annette Price
Booster Gold cake by Annette Price

Congratulations, Booster!

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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Happy Birthday, Booster Gold!

Today marks the negative 421st birthday of Jon Michael "Booster" Carter, born this day in the year 2442.

Annette Price
Booster Gold cake by Annette Price

Congratulations, Booster! You can celebrate by picking up a copy of Human Target #3 (in which Booster Gold opens a bagel shop) and DC Vs. Vampires #3 (in which Booster Gold makes a cameo appearance on the set of the Super Friends cartoon) at your Local Comic Shop.

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