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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 8 matching: 2017

Friday, August 31, 2018

Embarrassment of Riches

Something must have been in the air this week as I was emailed by two different people out of the blue who were proud to show off their recent Booster Gold sketch commissions!

First up is from our old friend The Blot, whose magnificent Booster Gold Sketchbook is bulging at the seams. His latest piece is by Invincible artist Ryan Ottley:

Ryan Ottley draws Booster Gold for The Blot Says

Our second piece is shared by Cort, who picked up this sketch commission from the very prolific Leonard Kirk at last years's Fan Expo Vancouver:

Leonard Kirk draws Booster Gold for Cort

Those are some good looking sketches, guys. Thanks for sharing.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Happy Birthday, Dan Jurgens!

Attention, Booster boosters! Remember to wish Booster Gold creator Dan Jurgens a happy birthday today. (He hides as @thedanjurgens on Twitter.)

In celebration, consider buying today's Batman Beyond #21 written by Dan Jurgens! Maybe also a copy of today's Man of Steel #5, which Jurgens had nothing to do with other than inspiring the cover with his own layouts from the now-classic 1993 Superman #75!

If we're all really, really nice to him, maybe he'll find a way to sneak Booster into Green Lanterns. (Hmm. Isn't it about time there was a gold lantern? Booster already has a ring.)

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Monday, October 16, 2017

Dan Jurgens Draws Super, Talks Gold

Earlier this week, DC released a new "Art Academy" video on YouTube. Each of these short films showcases the talents of one of their artists. The latest featured artist is Dan Jurgens, who drew (and inked!) Superman at Comic Con International back in July.

If you don't care to see Jurgens draw Superman — what kind of monster are you? — you can skip ahead to 7:44 to hear him talk about why he created Booster Gold.

Pay attention until the end. There's a trivia question at about 15:05 that I expect everyone reading this to be able to answer. (That's all it takes to get a Dan Jurgens' sketch? I've been working too hard!)

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dressed Up Like a Million Dollar Trooper

My good friend Michael Foster (a Hal Jordan fanatic) goes to DragonCon every year accompanied by his 2 gallon flask. (Michael is serious about his partying.) This year he was happy return with these pics of Booster Gold cosplayers.

Note that like Michael and his flask, these cosplayers also came in pairs.

Blue Beetle and Booster Gold cosplayer at DragonCon 2017 (photo by Michael Foster)
Booster & Skeets

Booster Gold cosplayer at DragonCon 2017 (photo by Michael Foster)
Blue and Gold

Great cosplaying, everyone. Thanks for the pics, Mike. Here's to Dragon Con 2018!

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Secret of Enjoyable Action

Some of you noted that Booster seemed slightly more ADHD than usual in his recent Justice League Action appearances. I attributed the behavior to the incredibly truncated running time of the episodes.

At Comic-Con International last weekend, the show's producer gave a slightly different explanation to SyFy Wire.

"The DNA is there of those characters," producer Jim Krieg said, "like Booster's a little bit of a dummy in the comics, and maybe we dial that up to 11. But everybody is sort of an exaggerated version of what they are in the comics. Actors get it immediately, and they ride that train to the end of the world."

(Wait a second. "Dial that up to 11." Was that a Spinal Tap reference?)

While I wouldn't call Booster a "dummy," it is true that he's not particularly concerned about what other people think of him (so long as they're thinking of him). And I'm certainly not going to complain so long as Justice League Action continues to be so much fun.

Keep up the good work, guys!

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