“Battleground Earth”
Volume 1, Issue 2, February 1989
Released November 8, 1988
Cover Price: $2.95
Guide Price: $3.00 (as of 2003)
Writers: Keith Giffen, Bill Mantlo
Pencillers: Keith Giffen, Todd McFarlane
Inkers: Tom Christopher, Al Gordon, Joe Rubinstein, P. Craig Russell
Colorist: Carl Gafford
Letterers: John Costanza, Augustin Mas
Assistant Editor: Kevin Dooley
Editor: Andrew Helfer
Heroes: Adam Strange, Ambush Bug, Aquaman, Batman, Big Barda, Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Creeper, Dove II, Fire, Firehawk I, Firestorm II, Green Lantern II, Green Lantern IV, Guardian II, Hawk, Hawkwoman I, Katana, Martian Manhunter, Mister Miracle, Negative Woman, Nuklon, Obsidian, Peacemaker, Power Girl, Robotman II, Rocket Red 4, Spectre, Starman V, Superman, Swamp Thing, Wild Dog, Wonder Woman
Villain: Hawkman II
Supporting: Amanda Waller, Maxwell Lord, Phantom Stranger, Wade Eiling
Settings: Earth Command Center, DCU, USA, 20th-century; Melbourne, Australia, 20th-century
Cover Description: From left to right, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Captain Atom, and Firestorm reproduce the famous pose of the flag-raising on Iwo Jima as they struggle to raise the United Nations flag while a space battle continues on the background. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: The heroes of the DC universe, led by Captain Atom, combine forces to halt the Dominion organized Alien invasion of Earth.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit
Issue Notes: This is the second of three books in the Invasion! crossover event.
Page 6, panel 1
Booster appears in a crowd of Earth's superheroes being briefed by Captain Atom, General Wade Eiling, Amanda Waller, and Maxwell Lord. Although it is difficult to determine exactly who the assembled heroes are because of their small size, they include Adam Strange, Ambush Bug, Aquaman, Batman, Blue Beetle II, Creeper, Dove II, Firestorm I, Guardian, Guy Gardner, Hal Jordan, Hawk I, Hawkman II, Katana, Martian Manhunter, Mister Miracle I, Negative Woman, Nuklon, Obsidian, Phantom Stranger, Power Girl, several Rocket Reds, Robotman II, Spectre, Starman V, Swamp Thing, Wild Dog, and Wonder Woman I. This is certainly Booster's first encounter with several of these heroes.
Page 20, panel 1
Booster joins Superman's super-powered strike force in a sneak attack against the alien forces holding Australia. Other heroes clearly identified as being in the liberation force are Big Barda, Blue Beetle II, Creeper, Fire, Firehawk, Firestorm, Green Lantern II, Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Hawkman II, Hawkwoman I, Martian Manhunter, Mister Miracle, Negative Woman, Peacemaker, and Starman V.
Boosterrific Review: By assembling their forces and facing the assembled Alien Alliance, the heroes of Earth provide a compelling if familiar story of mankind's resolve against impossible odds. Though there will no doubt be many who disagree, this issue would be drastically improved without artist Todd McFarlane's clownish and wildly inconsistent pencils.
Boosterrific Rating: Gold Standard.
Average Fan Rating: (1 vote)
Thank you, thank you, thank you for calling a spade a spade! I've never liked Todd McFarlane's pencil work despite so many fans just eating it up. Maybe his forte is toy design, because his depiction of DC's superheroes leaves me cold. On the bright side, Invasion also featured the artwork of Bart Sears, which helped.
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