Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths
“Dawn of DC”
Volume 1, Issue 7, February 2023
Released December 20, 2022
Cover Price: $5.99

Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artists: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Jack Herbert, Daniel Sampere, Rafa Sandoval, Cam Smith
Colorists: Romulo Fajardo Jr., Alex Guimaraes, Matt Herms, Alejandro Sanchez
Letterer: Tom Napolitano
Assistant Editor: Chris Rosa
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Heroes: Batman V, Black Canary II, Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold, Cyborg, Doctor Fate I, Firestorm I, Flash II, Green Arrow II, Green Lantern I, Green Lantern II, Impulse, Jade, Jakeem Thunder, Obsidian, Red Canary, Robin III, Steel III, Superboy III, Superman II, Wildcat I, Wonder Girl II, Wonder Girl III
Supporting: Skeets III
Setting: Washington, DC, USA, 21st-century
Cover Description: This book has multiple covers. Booster Gold appears on none of them.
Brief Synopsis: The Dark Crisis is concluded, and the DC Multiverse is reborn again.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Page 5, panel 3
In what must be a flashback to the events of the previous issue, Booster Gold is seen fighting the Dark Army alongside other heroes.
Page 14, panel 6
After the Multiverse is stabilized, the Dark Army and all heroes displaced to alternate universes, including the heroes that Pariah dispatched and Young Justice (who were taken by a fifth-dimension imp in Dark Crisis: Young Justice), are all returned to where they belong. (If everyone was reset, does that mean that Pariah was returned to his original reality? Did he get what he really wanted after all?) The only thing that Booster has missed during his short "death" is sharing Black Adam's power.
Page 23, panel 1
Talking to Flash, Hal Jordan refers to "the rookies," but half of the people he's looking at as they rebuild the Hall of Justice are established Justice Leaguers Black Canary, Cyborg, Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold (and Skeets!). The only four "rookie" heroes pictured are Superman's son Jon Kent, Wonder Woman's associate Yara Flor, Batman's protégée Jace Fox, and Red Canary (who debuted during the Dark Crisis in Dark Crisis: The Dark Army #1).
Page 27, panel 1
Booster is seen in Nightwing's flashback to page 4, panel 1 of Dark Crisis #1.
Boosterrific Review: The amazing art is let down by a story that feels not just too long but also entirely unnecessary. Disappointing, even by the standards of what passes for an annual "event" story from DC these days.
Boosterrific Rating: Tarnished.
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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