Justice League International
“Apokolips... Wow!”
Volume 1, Issue 21, Winter 1988
Released September 13, 1988
Cover Price: 75¢
Guide Price: $3.00 (as of 2011)
Writers: J. M. DeMatteis, Keith Giffen
Penciller: Ty Templeton
Inker: Joe Rubinstein
Colorist: Gene D'Angelo
Letterer: Bob Lappan
Editor: Andrew Helfer
Cover Artist: Ty Templeton
Heroes: Batman, Big Barda, Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Fire, Gnort, Green Lantern IV, Hawkwoman I, Ice, Lobo, Martian Manhunter, Mister Miracle, Rocket Red 4
Villains: Cluster, Darkseid, Hawkman II, Manga Khan, Para-Demons
Supporting: Oberon
Settings: Apokolips, DCU, Space, 20th-century; New York, NY, USA, 20th-century
Cover Description: Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, and Fire are beaten and bloody, but conscious and wisecracking while trapped in the rubble of Apokolips' Para-Demons. (Beetle's line of dialog is a slight misquote [possibly intentional] of Oliver Hardy's oft-repeated catchphrase to comedy partner Stan Laurel: "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into.")
Brief Synopsis: Tracking Mister Miracle to Apokolips, Big Barda and Martian Manhunter orchestrate an attack on Granny Goodness' Orphanage, summoning the rest of the Justice League for help.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit
Story Notes: The title of this story is another pop-culture reference, specifically to the movie Apocalypse Now.
This story has been reprinted in:
Justice League International Omnibus (2017)
Justice League International Volume 3 (2009)
Page 3, panel 1
Transported to Apokolips unexpectedly alongside Batman, Blue Beetle, Fire, Guy Gardner, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Ice, Lobo, and Oberon by Big Barda's Boom Tube, Booster Gold is reluctant to engage in the fight, preferring to hide behind his force field.
Page 4, panel 4
Finally joining the fight (but leaving his force field on, just in case), Booster makes a wisecrack about his "soap opera," in which "Cass loves Kathleen - but she thinks he's in love with Cecille." The appropriately titled television show that Booster is referring to is NBC's long-running daytime drama Another World (1964-1999). This offhand comment drew a letter from Paul Decker, NBC Casting Director, which was printed in the letter column of Justice League International #24.
Page 13, panel 1
Oberon stumbles into the lounge of Darkseid, absolute ruler of Apokolips and one of the most dangerous beings alive. He is reading a copy of Adolph Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf (the title here is misspelled, perhaps intentionally, as "Mein Kamph"). A Mister Miracle comic book is visible underneath the table on Darkseid's left. The picture on the wall behind Darkseid appears to be of his son, Orion, as he appeared on the cover to New Gods #1.
Page 18, panel 4
For the first time, Booster and G'Nort appear in the same panel. Even though G'Nort debuted in Justice League International #10 (the first issue of Justice League not to include Booster since he joined the team in issue #4) and has appeared in several issues since, never before have Booster and G'Nort been in the same location at the same time. Meanwhile, Booster is just engaging Lobo for the first time when their fight is interrupted by...
Page 19, panel 1
...Darkseid. Though several of the heroes present have encountered Darkseid before, this is the first meeting between Darkseid and Booster Gold. Perhaps because this is their first encounter, Booster doesn't know well enough to be afraid of him.
Page 19, panel 4
Manga Khan, in his natural energy form, cancels Lobo's contract and Darkseid dismisses him. This ends Lobo's brief stint in the Justice League.
Page 20, panel 1
Booster attempts to back-talk Darkseid. This lunacy lasts for exactly one panel. Surprisingly, Booster survives and is teleported back to the New York JLI Embassy with the rest of the Justice Leaguers.
Boosterrific Review: What can top Booster Gold versus Lobo? Booster Gold versus Darkseid! Awesome!
Meanwhile, series inker Al Gordon has been replaced by Joe Rubenstein. Rubenstein is more heavy-handed and less considerate of Ty Templeton's pencils than Gordon was. To be clear, Rubenstein's work is not bad, it is just noticeably different from what preceded it, and as with all significant transitions, it will take some getting used to. Sometimes you don't recognize what a good thing you have until it is gone, and this issue certainly engenders mourning for the loss of Gordon's inks.
Boosterrific Rating: Boosterrific!
Average Fan Rating: (1 vote)
Booster vs. Darkseid? You better believe it and it is fun to say the least.
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