Doomsday Clock
Volume 1, Issue 9, May 2019
Released March 6, 2019
Cover Price: $4.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 120,079

Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Gary Frank
Colorist: Brad Anderson
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Assistant Editor: Amedeo Turturro
Editor: Brian Cunningham
Heroes: Alpha Centurion, Animal Man, Aquaman, Atomic Knight, Batwoman II, Big Barda, Black Canary II, Black Lightning, Blue Beetle II, Blue Devil, Booster Gold, Bumblebee, Captain Atom, Crazy Jane, Cyborg, Darla Dudley, Deadman, Demon, Doctor Fate I, Donna Troy, Elasti-Girl, Elongated Man, Eugene Choi, Firehawk I, Firestorm I, Flash II, Flex Mentallo, Gold, Green Arrow I, Green Lantern II, Green Lantern III, Green Lantern IV, Halo, Hawkgirl II, Hawkman I, Human Starfish, Iron, Jessica Cruz, John Constantine, Katana, Lady Shazam, Lead, Martian Manhunter, Mercury, Metamorpho, Mister Miracle, Negative Man, Nightshade, Nightwing II, Peacemaker, Pedro Pena, Platinum, Question, Red Hood, Red Tornado, Robotman II, Shazam, Shazam Jr., Vixen, Zatanna
Villain: Doctor Manhattan
Supporting: Chief
Setting: Mars, Space, 21st-century
Cover Description: There are multiple covers to this issue. None features Booster Gold.
Brief Synopsis: The heroes of Earth unite on Mars against Dr. Manhattan.
Issue Summary: Reveal Potential Spoilers
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Page 29, panel 10
Booster Gold is seen only briefly during the fight on Mars against Doctor Manhattan.
Booster is just one of many heroes assembled for the fight. Though he has met and fought beside most of them before, this is his first meeting with Atomic Knight, Human Starfish (Robbie Reed), the Shazam Family, and the Question.
Boosterrific Review: Like the issues before it, this book has a tonal problem resulting from trying to shoehorn Watchmen sensibilities into the DC Universe. I compare that problem to feedback from a malfunctioning speaker that can turn the most beautiful music into fingernails on a chalkboard. The art is beautiful, but the story comes off as derivative at best, downright misguided at worst. It doesn't make me want to read more.
Boosterrific Rating: Tarnished.
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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