Blue Beetle
“End Game, Part Four: A Little Help From...”
Volume 2, Issue 25, May 2008
Released March 26, 2008
Cover Price: $2.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 14,299
Writer: John Rogers
Penciller: Rafael Albuquerque
Inker: Rafael Albuquerque
Colorist: Guy Major
Letterer: Steve Wands
Assistant Editor: Rachel Gluckstern
Editor: Joan Hilty
Cover Artists: Rafael Albuquerque, Cris Peter
Heroes: Blue Beetle III, Booster Gold, Fire, Green Lantern IV, Ice, Peacemaker, Traci Thirteen
Supporting: Brenda Del Vecchio, Paco Testas, Posse, Reyes family
Setting: El Paso, TX, USA, 21st-century
Cover Description: Former Justice League International members Booster Gold, Guy Gardner, Fire, and Ice fly to the support of Blue Beetle III.
Brief Synopsis: Blue Beetle III and his friends defend the Earth from an alien invasion.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Supporting (Booster Gold plays a lesser role)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: According to the cover, events in this issue take place during the same week as the events in Countdown #5. An editorial note within the issue places the events of this issue between Green Lantern Corps, Vol. 2, issues #19 and #20.
Page 19, panel 1
Page 20, panel 3
Page 21, panel 6
After the Reyes' home is repaired, Booster rejoins his comrades Fire, Ice, and Guy Gardner, out of costume for a cookout. Other attendees of the cookout include Jaime's family, his friends and schoolmates Brenda and Paco, the original Peacemaker, Jaime's girlfriend Traci Thirteen, and members of the local super-gang, the Posse (Bonita and baby Alina, Damper, Probe, Scour, and Thump). Like his fellow former Leaguers, Booster explains that his motivations for his unexpected but timely arrival was "total spur of the moment" and that the fact that he is joined by three other surviving (and resurrected) teammates of former Blue Beetle Ted Kord is a mere coincidence. Reyes remains unconvinced, suggesting that somehow the Blue Beetle's scarab, named Khaji Da, was responsible.
Boosterrific Review: As wonderful as it is to see members of the old Justice League International back in action again (especially as expressively drawn Rafael Albuquerque), the scenario just seems a little contrived, especially taking into account the fact that they are the only heroes who arrive to aid Blue Beetle in preventing an alien invasion of Earth and a very timely deus ex machina intervention by Booster Gold.
Boosterrific Rating: Gold Standard.
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