Action Comics
“Booster Shot, Part V”
Volume 1, Issue 997, Early April 2018
Released February 14, 2018
Cover Price: $2.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 43,509

Writer: Dan Jurgens
Penciller: Brett Booth
Inker: Norm Rapmund
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Assistant Editor: Andrea Shea
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Cover Artists: Brett Booth, Andrew Dalhouse, Norm Rapmund
Heroes: Booster Gold, Eradicator II, Superman
Villains: General Zod, Lor-Zod, Ursa
Supporting: Skeets III
Setting: Jekuul, DCU, Space, 21st-century
Cover Description: This book has two covers, only the "regular" cover by Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund features Booster Gold (with Superman).
Brief Synopsis: Booster Gold, Skeets, and Superman are captured by Zod's family.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
This story has been reprinted in:
Superman: Action Comics: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition (2019)
Superman: Action Comics Volume 5: Booster Shot (2018)
Page 1, panel 3
A PAIR OF DOCS?: In the recap of previous adventures, Superman calls Booster Gold, "the self-appointed guardian of time." This is an interesting point. In the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths universe, young Booster Gold was recruited to be a Time Master by his son, Rip Hunter. And Rip Hunter was trained to be a Time Master by his father, older Booster Gold. If that hasn't changed in the "New 52"/Rebirth Universe, Superman is technically correct here: old Booster Gold recruited his younger self to be a Time Master. That impossible situation is the definition of a "bootstrap paradox" (made famous by science fiction writer Robert Heinlein)!
Page 2, panel 1
The fifth part of the "Booster Shot" story is the first episode not to start exactly where the previous story ended. Though Booster Gold and Superman (and Skeets) are still on Jekull forty years in the future, when last we saw them, they had been downed by the Eradicator and Lor-Zod. At the start of this issue, both heroes are still up and fighting.
Page 3, panel 5
The Eradicator chastises Booster Gold because "a time-traveler should know there is no such thing as never." He's wrong. Booster was very nearly killed by the entropy at the end of time in Time Masters: Vanishing Point (also written by Dan Jurgens).
Page 4, panel 1
As seen in the previous issue, Booster Gold is defeated by the Eradicator.
Page 13, panel 2
Booster and Superman have been prepared for a public execution by Zod, his wife Ursa, and his son, Lor-Zod. This is Booster Gold's first meeting with Ursa.
Page 15, panel 2
Page 18, panel 5
POWER UP: Although Superman says Booster's force field will "fold in seconds," it is impressive enough that it's able to withstand the mighty onslaught of simultaneous heat vision from 4 Kryptonians for any time at all.
Boosterrific Review: I usually complain when stories feel shorted (6 of 20 pages in this issue are dedicated to the "B" plot of Lois' family), but not today. The fights in this issue are appropriately plotted considering the power of the combatants, and just the right amount of time is spent on Zod's grievances to establish him as a truly evil villain. I eagerly look forward to the next issue.
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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