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Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2 matching: steve leialoha

Friday, November 3, 2023

My Favorite Pages: Justice League Intl 15

My Favorite Pages

A few weeks ago, while discussing my favorite page of Justice League International #14, I said that Steve Leialoha's loose style was a bad match for Keith Giffen's layouts. I've been looking at a lot of Giffen's layout art since his recent passing, and I've changed my mind. I now think the problem with Leialoha's art in JLI #14 and #15 is that Leialoha's finishes are probably too loyal to Giffen's layout style.

In any event, the art in Justice League International #15, while still not up to the standard set by regular series artist Kevin Maguire, is at least more consistent from panel to panel and page to page than the previous issue managed.

Thanks to J.M. DeMatteis's dialogue, there are several pages competing to be my favorite of the issue, including Booster Gold flying into action in page 10, Booster Gold saving the day on page 15, and Batman's punchline on page 22. But since this will always be the first meeting between Blue and Gold and Fire and Ice, page 6 steals the show:

© DC Comics

I can't say the four of them really get along any better these days, but they'll always be family.

Comments (2) | Add a Comment | Tags: blue beetle favorite pages fire ice j.m. dematteis keith giffen steve leialoha

Friday, September 22, 2023

My Favorite Pages: Justice League Intl 14

My Favorite Pages

The art of Justice League International #14 almost feels like it was a rush job, and perhaps it was. Regular series penciller and master of facial expressions Kevin Maguire took (or was given) a vacation, and Steve Leialoha's very loose style is a poor substitute for this issue that heavily features character moments. The layouts, as usual, are by Keith Giffen, so part of the problem here could be that Leialoha wasn't a great match for Giffen's distinctive style of closeups. (It gets a little better in the next issue, as we'll soon see.)

Which is not to say that JLI #14 isn't worth our time. For one thing, this is the issue that sees Green Flame and Ice Maiden officially join the team. (They'll not become Fire and Ice until issue #19.)

For another, there's football!

© DC Comics

If there's anything better than superheroes and football, I don't know what it is.

Comments (2) | Add a Comment | Tags: blue beetle favorite pages football mister miracle steve leialoha

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