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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 8 matching: politics

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election Hangover

This panel does not appear in DC Universe: Decisions #3 (2008)
art by Rick Leonardi, Dan Green, Alex Bleyaert, Scott Hanna, Steve Buccellato

Booster's just being coy. I'm sure he'd gladly campaign for whomever offered him a Cabinet position.

Meanwhile, I stayed up too late watching election returns, and all I did was damage my emotional health. I'm going back to sleep. Wake me when it's finally over.

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Thursday, July 9, 2015

King of the Hill

Hey, I'd vote for the guy.

Last week's poll question: How does Booster Gold compare to the current, oversized field of presidential candidates? (43 votes)

How does Booster Gold compare to the current, oversized field of presidential candidates?

Two men are responsible for penciling nearly 25% of all of Booster Gold's appearances. Last week we learned that Dan Jurgens, the man who has drawn Booster the most often, is a big fan of Kevin Maguire, the man who has drawn Booster the second most often. Between the two, who's your favorite?

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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Vote with Your Wallet

As someone whose hobby is tracking the minutiae of Booster Gold comic books, you can probably guess how I voted.

Last week's poll question: How do you feel about Booster Gold continuity? (48 votes)

How do you feel about Booster Gold continuity?

Last night on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart poked fun at the many items presidential candidates are selling to drum up support for their campaigns. I instantly thought that Booster Gold could do a better job selling t-shirts and beer koozies than any of the dozen-plus candidates. But does an ability to hawk gewgaws actually make someone a viable candidate for President of the United States of America?


(By the way, no post tomorrow. Even Booster Gold takes a three-day weekend to celebrate American Independence Day!)

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Do You Like to Watch?

Outside of Luthor's brief term in office, DC comics have traditionally had benevolent Presidents, at least so far as the agenda of super heroes have been concerned. It's always Senators who are the really evil ones. (Just ask Booster Gold his opinion of Senator Ballard.)

Last week's poll question: In comic books, would you rather have a good President or an evil one? (33 votes)

In comic books, would you rather have a good President or an evil one?

Enough politics. Let's talk about something that really matters: television.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Final Political Question

I don't think I've ever run a poll that was so evenly divided at the top. Booster Gold: is there anything he's not qualified to do?

Last week's poll question: Which U.S. Cabinet position would Booster Gold be most likely to find himself in? (37 votes)

Which U.S. Cabinet position would Booster Gold be most likely to find himself in?

For a few weeks I've been asking specifically about Booster Gold's role in politics, but I'd like to look at the bigger picture this week. What role should the President play in the world of DC Comics, where super heroes run rampant often outside the purview of government?

More than a decade ago, Lex Luthor won the Presidency, and his villainous nature led to some very interesting stories. On the flip side, Superman is often teased as a presidential figure, a moral model for the nation. Now that DC has adopted more of the Marvel Comics model, where heroes aren't always right or held in reverence by the population at large, I wonder which of these roles better fits in the world now inhabited by Booster Gold.

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