It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2 matching: kristy
Monday, April 28, 2014
Today I Continue Shamelessly Reposting Tweets
I started last week stealing images from, and it turned out to be a pretty good week. Therefore, I'm going to conclude the week with more of the same.
This sketch is by Katie Cook, and was tweeted last week by Kristy (@codemonkey37). You can think of this post as superstition, as me being lazy, or as a continued celebration of Kristy's very good taste. Your choice.
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Monday, April 21, 2014
Get Booster Gold a Series, Quick!
Booster Gold Volume 2 inker Norm Rapmund was at WonderCon in Anaheim this past weekend where Kristy (@codemonkey37) caught him comforting an over-indulging Booster Gold:
Poor Booster looks like he's spent the past two years consoling himself about his DCnU exhile by eating lots and lots of pie. He may be skipping the gym, but at least he's keeping his costume in fantastic shape! (Old school is the only school!)
Photographer Kristy spent the convention in a Stephanie Brown Batgirl costume. You can find her pictures on her Twitter feed here. Thanks for sharing your pics with the world, Kristy.
UPDATE 2014-04-21: Kristy tells us via Twitter that she doesn't deserve credit for the photograph, just Booster's costume. That's the best part, anyway.
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