It has been 137 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015
What We Learned from NYCC 2015
Not a lot of Booster Gold news out of New York Comic Con this year. Is there really a Booster Gold movie in the works? Warner Brothers still isn't talking.
But while Warner remains silent, late-night comedian and writer Seth Meyers wasn't so shy. He held a panel at NYCC which Brett White covered for Spinoff Online.
"When I read comics, I loved teams. I loved X-Men and Justice League for that reason. Superman on his own is less interesting than Superman with Batman." [Moderator Jesse David] Fox then asked Meyers about his favorite X-Men and Justice League teams; Meyers called out the Blue Beetle/Booster Gold "Justice League" run and Joss Whedon's "Astonishing X-Men."
With fans like Nathan Fillion and Seth Meyers, how can we not get a Booster Gold movie in the works? (Thanks, Seth. We think that your show is pretty good, too.)
For the whole interview, check out
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