It has been 135 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 1 of 1 matching: james stokoe
Monday, May 23, 2022
Coming Soon: Booster Gold, Renaissance Man
DC solicitations are out for August, and by my current count, Booster boosters can expect to see our hero make an appearance in at least 10 upcoming books (including reprints). That's a lot!
As we've already covered, Booster will be in August's Tales of the Human Target one-shot as well as several Dark Crisis issues.
And while we knew that Booster would be on the cover of the first issue of DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War, we are just now learning that he'll be on the 1:25 variant edition of the second issue by James Stokoe:
If you didn't know, "1:25 variant" means that for every 25 copies of the book your Local Comic Shop orders with the standard or regular variant covers, they'll get exactly one of those. The general rule of thumb in comic collecting is that you should generally expect to "pay the ratio" for these sorts of incentive variant covers: you pay approximately $25 for 1 copy at your LCS. In today's market, that's like, 5 gallons of gas!
These 1:25 covers will obviously be in limited supply, so if you want this (or any incentive variant — so named because the publisher is using it to create an incentive to buyers to purchase more copies than they might be otherwise initially inclined to order), I recommend you negotiate with your LCS ahead of time to try and strike a deal that will be worthwhile to both of you.
On the other hand, the collected edition of Blue and Gold is due on September 27 for a comparatively meager $19.99. And while I'm sure you already have all the individual issues, won't it be nice to have them all bound under one cover?
You can find all the August solicitations at Spend wisely, Booster boosters.
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