It has been 135 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 26 matching: graph
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Booster Gold versus Boring Scripts
Why was Justice League International volume 3 cancelled? Probably because by issue 12 it was selling about as well as Booster Gold volume 2 was selling at issue 47.
If Booster can do as well alone, why stick him with a bunch of dead weight like Guy Gardner and Batman? (Note that while our old pal Shag at will attribute the sales bump beginning at issue 9 to an appearance by Firestorm, but it's really do to a change in DC's return policy.)
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Friday, July 27, 2012
Sales History of Issue 10
Believe it or not, Booster Gold has appeared in 4 separate number 10 issues of ongoing series in the past 4 years. One of those series was his own, which made it through a run of 49 issues. Two of the others had already been canceled at the time the issue was published. The third is the current Blue Beetle series, which has sales numbers far worse than any of the other three series ever had, but has not yet been cancelled.
Granted, this random sampling of DC's production is hardly conclusive, but superficially it would seem that we should expect an ongoing with Booster Gold to sell right about 30,000 by the 10th month. (Booster gets the least face time in his one-page cameo in Blue Beetle, and it has the lowest sales. Coincidence or proof?)
Whatever else it may or may not say about DC's editorial policies, this chart does seem to demonstrate that cancellation is due more to editorial expectations or whims than just sales figures. Someone at DC must love Blue Beetle.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Booster Gold Takes a Vacation
Yesterday, DC announced solicitations for the month of September, making it official that September 2012 will be the first month since November 2006 in which DC publishes no book including Booster Gold as a featured character. Even the best heroes need some time off every 69 months or so.
[Be aware that sales data in the graph above is not entirely accurate. In addition to unreported digital sales, sales priort to issue #9 were likely under-reported by up to 10% to account for estimated retailer returns. Therefore, it is unlikely that there was any significant sales upturn for issue #9. Unadjusted numbers for months prior to May can be seen at]
It is important to remember that Justice League International wasn't canceled for poor sales alone. Many New 52 series are selling far, far worse. (For example, even with a guest appearance from the Booster Gold, Firestorm #9 sold almost half as many issues as JLI #9 did, and it still isn't canceled.) While expectations are certainly higher for Justice League titles, Justice League Dark has been selling only slightly better (+/-2,000 issues) than JLI, and it still isn't canceled. The evidence seems to indicate that DC has something else in mind for either the JLI or its star, Booster Gold.
Whatever the reason, I'll be saving an extra $4 come September.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Booster Gold Versus The Misfits
First Batwing, then OMAC, and soon Firehawk... Justice League International is starting to look like Canceled Comics Cavalcade. Once upon a time, characters that couldn't even beat Firestorm in a fight were relegated to be pulped in the Suicide Squad. Now, they are sent off to join the Justice League? Surely these leftover characters aren't the reason that Justice League International sales aren't topping the charts?
Note that Booster Gold, Volume 2, #5 had sold well with a guest appearance by a founding Justice Leaguer. Maybe JLI could use a little more help than Firestorm's cast-offs?
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Booster Gold Versus Roulette
With the coming of the New 52, DC released a glut of new books on the market. Readers bought far more books then they typically would in the initial excitement in order to sample the offerings of this brave new world.
Unfortunately, that buying pace cannot be sustained. Because so much capital was expended during the buying frenzy generated during the initial hype, fewer titles can be purchased going forward, so the hype ends up detrimental in the long run as it forces buyers to be more selective than they would otherwise have been. And thus this hype cycle ends up damaging sales, not increasing them.
At least that's my theory. I'm also blaming Vixen: so far she's just dead weight.
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